Spinal Fluid

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Jackson and I head back up to the lab and find Abe. Jackson and I start to go through the data from the tank Abigail had been in, trying to find a way to help Clem. Abe comes after the two of us had been looking at this information for about twenty minutes, so my brain wasn't reading the information anymore. "What are you two up to?"

I sigh, "Looking over all the data from Abigail's tank."

"I can't make any sense of it and it's too much for Kat to go through alone." Jackson shakes his head, "Abe, we need your help. Please." Abe looks down and shakes his head, "I am asking you, please."

Abe nods and stands up since he had been leaning on one of the tables, "Whatever information you two hope to get from Abigail had better be worth it." Abe glances over to me and motions for me to sit next to him, "let's sift through this." As I do Abe pulls up the information.

"Search for anything concerning internal organs." I look over to Abe, who nods and starts searching.

Abe nods and he searches, "considering she's a hybrid, there may be differences we need to know about."

As Abe and I look over the information, Max comes in, "I got her MRI results back. We found the leak." Max pulls up the MRI and displays it on the larger computer monitors, "Right there on the left."

As I look over the MRI and computer beeps and Abe answers, "Dariela."

"Abe." Dariela appears on the monitors above. "The IADG just found hybrid nests hidden all over the world, and they're incubating."

I sigh, "Well, that explains all the beacons."

Jackson shakes his head, "How much time until they hatch?"

Dariela shrugs, "The scientists here think soon. Logan's in Seoul now dealing with one. Every species of hybrid are in these nests. If they hatch, we're talking thousands of new ones we have to fight."

Max draws a deep breath, "Get these results to Mitch." He hands the tablet to me "Excuse me a second."

Once Max is gone Abe sighs, "I was reluctant to save Abigail before. But now, I know what it will take to save her. The cost is too high."

Jackson looks to Abe confused, "What cost?"

I take a deep breath and nod, "We have to replace what we took."

Jackson shakes his head, "What? You mean put the spinal fluid sample back?"

I shake my head, "no, no, no, thank god." I chuckle softly as I stand holding my hands out to Jackson.

"But, she had internal injuries. And she lost more spinal fluid than you extracted." Abe looks up to me then to Jackson. "And because she shares DNA with all the hybrids, we need to synthesize a replacement with all the samples we obtained."

Jackson sighs, "The samples we need to make the cure?"

Abe nods, "Yes. Either we save your sister, or save mankind."

Jackson nods and looks around, "Dariela said the nests contain every type of hybrid, correct?"

I cross my arms and look over to Jackson, "What are you thinking?"

Jackson looks to Abe then me, "Use the spinal fluid to save Abigail. I'll get more." Jackson pauses. "We're going to Seoul."

Jackson leaves the room and after a minutes or two I follow him, heading upstairs, finding him in the living room area of the plane. "Are you sure you want us to save Abigail? I mean what if we can't get more samples, what if Dariela's intel is wrong and all the hybrids aren't in the nests?"

Jackson chuckles, "You know if Dariela heard you say that, she'd probably punch you."

"Jackson this isn't funny. This is mankind's' future we are talking about. Our future. We can't throw that away to save Abigail."

"She's my sister Kat. She's the only family I have left."

"Jackson you know that's not true. Every person on this plane is your family... Even Sam, but you know... extension." I pause from a minute, "What's this really about?"

Jackson sighs, "You remember in Portland how I could control the lions with the clicker, Abendegos smashed?"

"The thing that saved our lives about a thousand times, yeah I vaguely remember."

"And how after the clicker was destroyed I could still control the lions." Jackson clears his throat, "What if I told you that wasn't how I controlled the lions... What if I told you I had a connection with the lions."

I look at Jackson confused, "I don't understand."

"Do you remember how the mutation made the animals scared of humans with it." I nod as Jackson continues, "Well, I think the synthetic version my father gave me, gave me the ability to control the animals."

I chuckle and shake my head, "You're very funny..." After a moment I reason Jackson isn't kidding, "Oh my, God. You're serious."

Jackson nods, "Yeah."

"So you think Abigail can help you learn to use this connection since she has it with the hybrids."

"Not use it but understand it and help us stop the spread of them."

"Okay, unless I hit her harder on the head then I think I did, there is no way she's going to help us."

Jackson nods, "She'll at least be able to give us an idea on how to stop it."

I sigh, "I should head downstairs to help the guys with the surgery."

As I go to walk away Jackson grabs my hand, "We have three other doctors on this plane. They'll do fine."

I shake my head, "I'm not a doctor, Jackson. Just an overqualified nurse."

Jackson chuckles as he pulls me in, "Either way. They have it covered," Jackson leans in a kiss me softly, "I'm about to take out a hybrid nest, spend the rest of the flight to Seoul with me."

I chuckle, placing my hands on Jackson's chest, "You're about to take out a hybrid nest? Oh Mr. Greene, think you know me better than that."

Jackson chuckles and nods, "Well, am I talking to Katherine or Elizabeth, right now?"

I tilt my head slightly to the side, "Would you expect either to let you do this alone?"

"No, but sometimes I wish they would."

I shake my head and kiss Jackson softly, "Then you shouldn't have married such a strong woman."

Jackson smiles and places his forehead to mine, "My life would be boring if I hadn't. So, I wouldn't have it any other way."

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