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Jackson and I get on the first copper we can and head out to St. Louis. When we get there is sun is up and some IADG personnel are already there, lined up greeting Jackson and I. "This way, Sir. Ma'am."a soldier greets the two of us, "Central command thinks you've found a way to take this thing down."

"Yeah, well, we got an idea at least." Jackson nods as the three of us walk side by side and the other IDAG soldiers walk behind us, "if we can attach this device to the beacon, we got a guy back at the barrier who might be able to shut this thing down without blowing us all to kingdom come. It may even send a mirror pulse, which would knock the hybrids away from the barrier."

"The sonic waves that thing's spitting out dropped six of my men. Medic said it was like their organs were being shaken apart." I look over to Jackson in fear and concern when we hear the rhythmic pulse of the beacon. "This is our stop."

I turn and look to the beacon, as my eyes travel up it, "It's massive." I turn back to the IADG soldiers who have stopped behind us, "how did no one notice this thing before?"

"Permits say they were building an advanced radio tower to aid with communication beyond the barrier."

I shrug my shoulders and look over to Jackson, "Well, that's at least half true."

"Alright," Jackson sighs, "No use in standing around and just staring at this thing."

As Jackson step forward I do as well, "I'm going with you."

"Kat, no."

I nod, "mmhmm."

"You heard him. You can't get close to that thing."

"Then I'll go as far as I can."

"Look I know you've saved my ass more times then I can remember. But this, this I have to do alone."

"Jackson, you tried to leave me in Africa when this whole thing started, you tried to make me sit out of the hybrid nest, and that didn't happen. What makes you think I'm not going with you now? Plus I wouldn't have been there to save your ass if I'd stayed."

Jackson leans in and kisses me, "I love you."

I walk forward with Jackson as far as I can before I start to feel nausea and can't go any further. As Jackson gets closer the beacon lets out a pulse and it becomes harder for Jackson to walk toward it. "Come on, baby," I whisper to myself. After a few more steps Jackson falls over, "Jackson!" I shout and start toward him, without thinking.

"No!" I hear one of the men call out as I head toward Jackson.

But I hit what feels like a wall and I am thrown back. Jackson turns his head to me, on his hands and knees, as I look over to him from my position on my back. Jackson crawls over to me, "Go back."


"Go back!"

"I won't leave you!"

"Please go back!" Jackson looks into my eyes as if to tell me that he knows how much I want to be there with him, but I can't, not this time. I sigh as he helps me up and I limp back to the others. "Go."

When I get back to the others they help me to stay standing, "You okay? Are you okay?"

I nod, "mmhmm. I'm fine."

We watch Jackson crawl toward the beacon, "He's made it further than anyone. Including SEALs in full pressurized gear."

Before long I hear Mitch over my earpieces, "Jackson, talk to me."

Jackson answers, but he sounds strained and forced, "Wanna trade places?"

"Look, you got to hurry. Our generator's under attack. If we lose power, I won't be able to send commands to shut down the beacon."

"Copy that!"

I take a deep breath, "Okay, yes."

As Jackson gets closer and closer to the beacon it becomes harder and harder for him to move. The last time I saw him like this was when one of our truck got flipped by a rhino when Chloe was still alive, we were all so sore for weeks afterward. As Jackson inches closer and closer I can hear him yell in pain. I have to fight the urge to run up to help him, I bite my lip in anticipation and hold back tears as I watch the love of my life fight against something that I am powerless against. Finally, Jackson gets to the beacon and reaches around the side of it before collapsing, "Package delivered." he says weakly over the earpiece.

I step forward and shake my head, "He's not moving."

I step forward and one of the IADG soldiers grabs me, "no."

"Let me go!"

"No, you can't."

"Mitch, turn it off!" As I shout this the beacon starts to up out increasingly aggressive pulses. "Jackson!"

"No!" the soldier fights against me.

As I try to lunge forward again the light from the beacon flows back to the bottom and the beacon sends out a huge energy pulse knocking us down. I hear Mitch on the earpiece, "Jackon, we did it."

I take a breath of relief, "He did it." I run over to Jackson as fast as my legs will carry me. When I get to him I drop to my knees, kind sliding the last foot or so, and lean over Jackson, "You did it. Baby, you did it." I roll Jackson onto his back before placing a hand on his cheek, he isn't moving or responding to me at all, "No. Open your eyes. Come back to me. You did it." I start to cry, "Baby, baby, you did it. Just open your eyes. Say something. Come back to me." I shake my head and lay my head on Jackson's chest. "Please."

"Let's get this penguin back to the igloo." I lift my head as I hear Jackson and see he's smirking. Jackson looks up to me, completely drained, "Hey." I shake my head as I lean down and kiss him.

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