Save Harry part. 2

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Enjoy xx.


It took Lauren's body to keep me up when we apparated in front of Harry's relativies' house on Privet Drive. I would never get used to the sensation of appearing and disappearing in different places, the feeling of being sucked into a sort of temporal barrel and feeling all my insides being crushed. Brooms are conventional, I'll keep them next time.

"You look like an angry Veela." Lauren teased, pulling me by the waist and leaving a soft kiss on my hair.

"Thanks for the compliment." I smiled cynically.

The last to apparate was Mad-Eye with Mundungus and his broom. Lupin brushed past us as Tonks scanned the perimeter for something suspicious, but the neighborhood was quiet and probably everyone was stuck in their homes living a normal life. I squeezed Lauren's hand and we followed Lupin in a group to the door of the middle-class house. I didn't know what to expect from Harry or even from Lauren when they were both facing each other, but my wand was tight at the waist as a precaution.

Ron and Hermione were the first to ring the bell as our group waited furthest away for precaution, I wasn't the only one concerned about the meeting there.

The front door opened and I could see Harry smiling cheerfully and pulling Ron into a tight embrace, and then Hermione. Lupin took one last look at us and followed to Harry, accompanied by Mad-Eye and the others, which left us last.

"I'm here." I reassured Lauren, when I saw the vein in her forehead leap, her eyes locked on Harry who greeted the others at the entrance of the house without noticing our presence.

"You've always been." she said, but not looking at me.

We crossed the little garden and waited impatiently and eagerly behind Hagrid.

"Everything okay, Harry? Ready to boot-off?"

"Absolutely. "he replied. "But I wasn't expecting so many people!"

"Change of plans." Mad-Eye growled, holding two large, full sacks and whose magical eye whirled from the night sky to the house and thence to the garden with dizzying rapidity. "Let's go in before I explain everything."

The giant medium let go of Harry and entered the portal accompanied by Mad-Eye, clearing the way between us and Harry. It was like in slow motion: Harry's smile died slowly when his green eyes met the twins in Lauren's. I felt my heart beating like a madman in the chest with the hard, angry expression on his face, his nostrils inflated, his hands clenched into fist as Lauren remained calm and expressionless.

"You!" Harry exclaimed, advancing against Lauren like an angry animal, his wand in a few seconds being put into his hands. I walked in half without thinking twice and pushed Harry's body back hard, which ended up being supported by Ron and the others watching the whole scene. "Let me go, Ronald! Let me go now!" he floundered like an innocent condemned to the dementor's kiss. "What this girl is doing here! She killed Sirius! She's a monster!"

He repeated like a mantra, his eyes full of fire spiked on Lauren who did nothing but push me slightly to the side.

"Let him go!" she commanded, her voice impassive, her eyes totally focused on her brother.

Ron looked confused at Hermione by his side and again at Lauren, a possessed Harry in his arms was trying at all costs to let go.

"You heard Jauregui, Weasley. Let him go." Mad-Eye said, totally calm for a situation like that.

I stood between them again, now facing Lauren in disbelief.

"Are you out of your mind??"

But Lauren didn't hear me, and eventually pushed me aside. Ron, still incredulous, let go of Harry who in a few seconds advanced on Lauren like a rabid dog. I screamed as he grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and pressed her violently against the wall, his chest rising and falling madly, his breath catching breath and the wand stuck in Lauren's neck.

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