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March came around and things were well in the Tomlinson-Styles household. Liam was settled in properly, and Harry and Louis were working as usual, busying themselves while taking care of Liam. Harry was looking more into getting his own restaurant, but he was content being head chef at Pennite, he wanted more. He didn’t know what he could manage, and he refused to put his family through strife, so Harry settled.

Louis, with being the author of his very own column, was already working on a side project. He had plans to write a book, in hopes someone might read it. He was going to write a slew of children’s books, and with Liam as his test subject, he had a general idea of what kids liked. Then again, Liam was a bit biased, but overall it made Louis feel nice he had Liam’s support.

Harry didn’t know about Louis’ publishing idea, but rather just the fact he wrote books for kids. Harry believed they were outstanding, but Louis wouldn’t listen if he pushed him so Harry let Louis be and life was good.

At the moment, Harry, Louis, and Liam were all getting ready to go out to the park to kill some time and let Liam run around with Harry and play some football.

“Dada, you know I’m going to beat you,” Liam said triumphantly as Louis slipped some water into their cooler.

“Now let’s not forget I am quite the champ when it comes to footie time little man,” Harry said as he stretched, trying to intimidate Liam. Louis laughed out loud, because he’s seen Harry play and he is not good. Harry was all limbs and he didn’t know how to use them. Louis just smiled, admiring the bond the two shared.

“Let’s go,” Louis said as Harry was holding Liam upside down. Liam let out a squeal of delight as Harry held him in this position.

“Harold, put our son on his two feet already,” Louis said, letting a smile slip onto his face. Harry put Liam down, and tickled him before they began their walk to the park. Liam was hyper as he talked about everything that they all saw together, but Harry and Louis didn’t mind. They loved seeing Liam this animated. He was simply perfect to them.

Liam ran ahead when they arrived at the park, too excited to contain himself, and both Harry and Louis couldn’t help but smile as they watched Liam plop down in the field and pull up grass.

“You go ahead, I’ll lay here and watch for a bit,” Louis said as he unraveled a blanket to lie down on.

“You sure?” Harry asked, although he was already backing up from Louis. He was excited to play, and Louis could tell so he gestured for Harry to go and that’s exactly what he did.

Louis sat on the blanket as he watched Harry and Liam play around, kicking the ball and playing with one another and that’s when Louis realized he enjoyed days like these. They both had off work and Liam was enjoying the fun. Louis truly loved it when his family was like this. Too bad they had jobs to attend, and Liam was about to head off to kindergarten in August, but they had time until then. For now Louis could enjoy life the way it was.

As Harry and Liam played, Louis watched on, tempted to get up himself after a few hours lounging about, but then his phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket and wondered why the familiar name was calling him.

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