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“Harry, you have to come out tonight!” Nick badgered as Harry sat on the countertop doing inventory.

“I can’t. I have to get home to the kids and Louis,” Harry said robotically as he filled out the proper boxes on the inventory list.

“Oh come on mate, you used to be wild in college; well at least from what you’ve told me.”

Harry rolled his eyes and continued his work, not caring to listen to Nick right now.

“Please Harry? Come on mate, we’re all going out, and you know you could use a drink or two.”

Harry sighed, putting the clipboard back in its proper place. He ran his hand through his hair, knowing what he was going to say.

“One drink Nick.”

“Yes! Let’s go mate!”

Harry rolled his eyes and grabbed his things as he followed Nick outside and to the bar. Nick wasn’t a bad person, but he did miss his best friend. Ever since he had gone out and adopted, Nick felt as though he never saw Harry anymore, which was true.

Being a family man has taken up a lot of Harry’s time and he didn’t mean for it to do so, but that’s what happens when you have a five year old who loves to play and a three year old that is starting to learn to trust his family.

Harry groaned as he pulled into an empty parking lot and walked into the bar, promising himself one drink. One drink only considering he had the kids to head home to.

“Here, drink up!” Nick said as they sat down and a rather large drink was placed in front of him.

“Nick, what the hell is this mate?” Harry asked as he looked at the colorful concoction placed before him.

“It’s called a fishbowl!”

“I’m not drinking all of this.”

“Uh, yeah you are mate. You said one drink, so there ya go.”

Harry groaned as he stirred his straw in a section of the enormous drink. He hesitantly took a sip and realized it tasted just like juice. Harry knew he’d be fine considering that there was barely any liquor in this.

Or so he thought.

“Harry, man, you okay?” Nick asked, slurring out most of his words. Harry nodded as he smiled and swayed back and forth in his seat.

“N’vr betta,” Harry said as he hiccupped and took a sip of his third beer. After he had finished the fishbowl, Harry decided to get himself a glass of scotch and then some beers to top of it off. To say he was feeling it was an understatement.

“Mate, don’t you have to get home?” Nick asked as he squinted at Harry, his sight obviously infected by his intoxication.


They sat there for a second before they started to laugh hysterically over nothing. Harry hadn’t felt this free in a long time. It wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy his life at home, but he missed this. He missed hanging out with friends and drinking and having a good time.

“Look boys,” the bartender came over with a gruff voice, “you need to stop drinkin'. I’m cuttin’ the two of ya off.”

“What a tosser,” Harry said as he patted the table. “Come on Nicholas. We are far too good for this joint!”

“Oh no,” the bartender said as he rolled his eyes. “Please don’t leave!”

“No, my young Harold is right. Excuse you peasant, but we shall be on the way now!” Nick shouted as him and Harry exited the bar in a fit of giggles. Harry laughed happily realizing he didn’t know how he was getting home.

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