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“Come on Harry! We’re all ready!” Louis called out as Zayn and Liam drank from their juice boxes. They were all ready to go to the clinic, and of course Harry clumsily made his way down the hall, a bit disheveled.

“Sorry, I couldn’t find my hat,” Harry said as he ran a hand through his hair.

“We’re going to the clinic, not a fashion show,” Louis said as he picked up Zayn. “Now do you have the address of Lou’s place?”

“Yes, jeez. I’m not that forgetful,” Harry mumbled as they piled out the door.

The kids were in the back, playing with their action figures and Harry and Louis were on their way to Lou’s house first. When they had called and told her they were thinking about surrogacy, she literally jumped on the chance to help them out. The family and Lou had a close bond, so she invited them over to her own home to discuss things.

“Are you ready?” Harry asked as he was driving down the road.

“I don’t know. I mean, this will be our real first baby. Like, we have helped raise Liam and Zayn, but we’ve never really had a baby,” Louis said as he fiddled with his hands.

“What if we can’t find a proper surrogate?”

“Then we find an alternate route. There’s always adoption.”

“Right, we could do that,” Harry said as he placed his hand lovingly on Louis’ knee. He smiled over at him and the action was reciprocated immediately.

Harry and Louis knew surrogacy was risky, but they knew they needed to be patient. Liam was about to start school, as was Zayn, and then Louis could put more time into the surrogate lifestyle. It was possible that they meet a lot of women that want to carry their baby and it was possible to not meet any.

Harry pulled into the driveway of the unfamiliar house and studied it for a moment. It was quaint, but lovely. Lou lived in a very family friendly neighborhood, but she had told the Tomlinson-Styles that her own family wasn’t going to be there when they came by considering her daughter had a playdate.

Harry and Louis got out and helped their sons out of the car before approaching the front door and ringing the bell.

Lou swung the door open, looking casual as she smiled at the family inviting them inside.

“Sorry about the mess,” Lou said as she shoved aside a stuffed bear. It wasn’t too terribly messy, but it was clear a toddler lived here. Dolls were strewn everywhere as Lou guided the family in her house, but it was adorable.

Lou sat them down on the couch and sat down in the armchair in front of them. She gave them a huge smile and gestured for them to open up to her.

“So, are you guys excited?” She asked as she bounced a bit in her seat.

“Well, yes, but what if we can’t find a proper surrogate?” Louis asked. Harry grabbed his hand and gave it a loving squeeze, letting Louis know he was there for him.

“Well, if you guys can’t find a proper surrogate, then we’ll keep looking at our other options. I mean, we have six eggs in total so we have about two times to get this properly done,” Lou explained.

“Two?” Harry asked, his eyebrows shooting up a bit. “Why only two?”

“Well, it’s just a precaution. Not all the eggs will take, so we just have to use a good bit,” she explained. “But you’ll be okay.”

“Alright,” Louis said calmly. “I guess we should head over?”

“I’ll follow you lot in my car,” Lou said as she stood up.

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