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Harry looked behind him at the empty foyer as he shrugged on his sweater. It was his first day back to work today and he was going to be gone for quite some time. Louis had reassured him the night before that he’d be fine alone with the boys, but Harry was still worried. He sighed as he swung open the front door and looked behind him one last time, praying that things would be fine.

Only an hour or so later, Zayn had woken up and looked around the room. He still wasn’t accustomed to this yet, waking up in a bed. He turned and looked around his room, seemingly untouched because Zayn wasn’t in here that much. He was always trailing Louis.

Zayn had an unspeakable bond to the older man. He loved Harry as well, but something drew him closer to Louis, something he couldn’t explain. Louis made him feel comfortable as he experienced everything. He smiled at him and held him even though Zayn was completely competent in toddling on his own.

Zayn scooted out of his bed and made his way to the door in his pajamas that were far too big for him. Louis and Harry tried to get him to wear the pajamas that were the proper size, but Zayn loved his oversized pajamas. They made him feel comfortable and warm, putting him to sleep easily.

Zayn stood on his tip toes, barely reaching the door knob, as he swung the door open quietly. He peeked out, seeing the hall was dark, but Zayn knew where to go. He padded silently across the wooden floor, past his brother’s room, and headed straight into Louis’ room.

The door was already left ajar from Harry leaving this morning which meant Zayn had easy access as he entered. He saw Louis sprawled out on the bed, a habit that happened every time Harry left, and his jaw slacked so his mouth was open. Zayn stood there for a moment admiring his father before attempting to get up on the bed.

Zayn was a smart toddler, and knew that he could pull himself up using the sheets off to the side of the bed. Zayn used his tiny hands to grab on to the sheet, hoping that Louis was holding on as he pulled himself up on the side of the bed.

After a few moments of stumbling and falling on his bum, Zayn had finally huffed his way onto the bed. Feeling pride swelling up in his chest, he crawled next to Louis and just sat there. He wanted his Daddy to wake up and hold him, but Zayn didn’t want to wake him up. He enjoyed the peace his father was in.

Louis groaned as he turned onto his side, his hand grazing Zayn’s face. Zayn wrinkled his nose, a bit surprised by the sudden contact before sneezing.

Louis groggily blinked his eyes open, surprised to see sitting on his bed rubbing his nose roughly. Louis caught his hand and smiled at the young boy sleepily.

“Hey there buddy, how’d you get up here?” Louis asked as he sat up. Zayn took this opportunity to crawl into his lap and smile up at him. Louis smiled back, always curious as to what went on in Zayn’s mind. He understood that Zayn was going to be clingy for a good period of time, but it was the muteness that really worried Louis. Was Zayn ever going to speak?

“Well let’s go wake up your brother,” Louis said as he hoisted Zayn on his hip. Zayn snuggled into Louis’ neck, letting him know he wasn’t in the mood to walk. Louis rolled his eyes, but held the boy as they walked into Liam’s room.

Liam, having been better at controlling his angst towards Zayn, was sprawled out on his bed, his action figures strewn around. Louis knew he was going to have to let Liam clean up his room or Harry would have a fit.

“Li,” Louis said as he placed Zayn on the floor next to his bed. “It’s time to get up bud.”

“No,” Liam groaned as he flopped over.

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