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Cher sat down at the kitchen table and saw how much Louis was piling her plate. She smiled, loving how much he and Harry both cared.

“Louis, I am not even that hungry,” Cher said. Louis merely shook his head and placed then plate of fruit and pancakes and an omelet in front of her.

“I want you to get some meat on those bones,” Louis said with a smirk. “Now you eat up.”

“You are ridiculous,” she said as she took a bite. “But this is insanely good.”

“I’m glad you’re enjoying it. I know I’m not the cook, but I’m not too shabby.”

Louis really had been enjoying Cher’s company over the past few days, especially when Harry went to work. He liked the company of someone that didn’t just want to talk about superheroes and watch cartoons most of the day.

“How long do you think it’ll be until I start showing?” Cher asked as she twiddled her thumbs.

“I think it depends on the person. It could be a month or more. Why?”

“I’m just nervous,” she said softly. “What if-”

“Hey,” Louis said softly as he sat next to her. “It’ll all be okay. We’re here for you.”

“I have to thank you and Harry so much. You two are simply the best. It’s no wonder you two are such amazing parents.”

“We’re not that amazing,” Louis said with a wave of his hand. “I think you’ll be an amazing mom one day.”

Cher gave Louis a small smile and fidgeted with her hands. Louis rose an eyebrow, curious as to her sudden shyness, but he didn’t have the chance to when Zayn came toddling over to him.

“Hey there buddy,” Louis said as he put Zayn on his lap. Louis noted that Zayn’s hand were purple and green, a sure indicator that he had been painting. “What have you been up to?”

“Stuff,” Zayn said with a grin.

“Oh? And what kind of stuff you silly little bugger?” Louis asked as he tickled Zayn’s stomach. His son giggled and wiggled himself more comfortably on Louis’ lap, so that his back was against Louis’ chest, as he played with paint dried hands.

“Is this what it’s always like?” Cher asked softly.

“What?” Louis asked as he aimlessly ran his fingers through Zayn’s hair.

“Parenthood, you know? Is it always fun?” Cher asked as she gazed admiringly at Louis and Zayn.

“No, sadly, it’s not. Some days, they are sick, and last month we took Liam to the hospital to take out his kidney. If anything Parenthood is a roller coaster, but it’s the ride that only the brave can conquer. It’s definitely not for the faint of heart I suppose,” Louis said thoughtfully. “If you can’t deal with it, no one will ever judge you. But adoption and surrogacy are just wonderful options for people that can’t have kids like Harry and I.”

“Right. And how do you know you can’t have a baby?” Cher asked. Louis gave her a strange look before she corrected herself. “Wait! I-I didn’t mean you and Harry. I mean, you’re both men so obviously- I meant- well, how do you know, as a woman, you can’t have children?”

“Oh, well you can always talk to your doctor. Don’t worry, when you have your first appointment with Arthur- or rather Dr. Robinson, he’ll give you a full checkup.”

“Louis, what if I can never pay you back? I mean for all of this?” Cher asked.

Louis smiled and patted the top of her hand. “Darling, you’re carrying my child. You are fine.”

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