Chapter Twelve

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I feel my hand getting squeezed lightly, and I lift my head to look at Teresa's bright blue eyes staring back at me.

"Hey!" I say a bit too loud as I stand up from my chair. "Hey, you're okay..."

Teresa looks at me and then to one of the Doctors, who's been sitting next to us the whole time, with a much confused expression.

"Can you tell me your name?" The man asks, probably to check on most serious issues.

Teresa looks confused, but soon her eyes show some recognition. "Teresa..." she whispers, scratching her forehead with her hand. "What happened?"

"You had just a minor concussion, and that caused you to black out for some minutes, but you're going to be fine." The Doctor carefully explains, standing next to her.

"We'll need to do some more check ups on you and you're going home so you can rest for as much as you can." He continues. "You'll feel tired and confused for some days but other than that, you'll be okay."

Teresa and I nodded, myself listening intently to what the Doctor is saying.

"Thomas." I turn my head to look at my Coach. "Come here."

I look back at Teresa, giving her a soft smile before letting go of her hand and walking towards Mr. Hill.

"Thomas, I know she's your friend but you really can't miss classes this time. As you can see, she'll be fine, and soon she'll come to school again, but right now, I want you to have your classes, okay?" He says as he places a hand on my shoulder. I knew I liked this teacher.

And I also know he's right. I'm way more relieved now that she's awake and hasn't got any serious problems, so I agree with him.

He gives me a pat on the back as I walk towards Teresa again.

"Hey, I-I need to go to class..." I say as I look down at my hands. "Coach won't let me stay here with you."

"Tom, it's okay." I look up to see her small smile. "You were here when I woke up."

"Yeah, I know, but I wanted to make sure you're gonna be okay." I protest. I don't really need math classes in my life, anyway. Like, seriously! Why would I have to know how to calculate the triangle's hypotenuse to actually achieve something in my life? I could just take care of my best friend!

"Tom. Go." She chuckles, looking at my brown eyes. "I'm gonna be okay, I promise you." She finishes, not allowing me to argue with her anymore.

I sigh in defeat. "Okay. But call me if you don't feel so good or you need someone, got it?"

"Don't worry, I will."

I give her a small smile before leaving the gym to the High School's halls.

Even during classes, there's always people in the hallways, either chatting, working, or simply just staring at the walls. Just like Frypan right now.

"Fry?" I call, my voice echoing through the big halls.

He jerks his head to my direction, snapping into reality. He seems nervous, anxious. I quickly walk to him.

"Hey man, are you okay?" I ask, placing a hand on his shoulder to try to calm him down. I've only met Frypan officially this year, but I've known him from sight as he is friends with Minho and Newt as well.

"Yeah, Thomas, thank you." He gives me a small smile before returning to his previous gaze.

"Are you sure?"

He takes a deep breath, leaning back on his locker and closing his eyes.

"This is so stupid." He starts, chuckling a bit.

Well, now I'm confused.

"What is stupid?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows.

"The thing I'm worrying about." He continues, opening his eyes to look at me.

"Which is..." I continue incredibly calm, seeing how much he wants to spill that out. We consider each other best friends by now.

"I like someone."

Oh.... Fry's in love!

My face turns into a smile as the preoccupation of something serious vanishes from my mind.

Screw maths' class.

"And why are you so nervous about that?"

His face turns into a small frown and his eyes dart to the ground.

"I just... I don't think she'll ever notice me." His face falls completely, sadness filling his expressions.

"Oh, buddy, I'm sorry." I feel so sad for Fry... he deserves everything good in this world.

"It's okay." He smiles softly, and then his face turns into a playfull one. "I'm rooting for other love."


What the heck is he talking about? He likes one girl and wants to have a relationship with her but wants other to happen? I couldn't be more confused.

He seems to catch on my confused face.

"Oh, Thomas... haven't you noticed how you two look at each other? Seriously?" Frypan smirks, his mood instantly getting better.

Okay, I'm definitely not getting it, I'm sorry.

"What are you talking about?" I ask a little bit dumbfounded. I don't remember seeing anyone looking at me the way Fry's saying.

"You..." he pokes a finger on my chest, his face softening to a friendly smile. "...are a dumbass."

And then he walks into his class, chuckling the whole way.

Well, that was weird. Who am I changing glances with? Am I even locking eyes with that unknown person? Who is he talking about?

Those are my thoughts as I walk to my class, only to have 20 minutes of maths.


Hope you liked this chapter and see you in the next one!

Love you! ❤

Skinny Love ~ A Thomesa AU StoryWhere stories live. Discover now