9- How lucky can you be?

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Christian quickly looks at Ainsley and back up at the girl who was interrupting their dinner. "I have no clue what you're talking about."

"Oh really." She snaps with her hands on her hips. She looks at Ainsley "Be prepared to be dropped like you're nothing, like you never even existed. This man is a player.. A good one at that."

"I'm sorry.. Who are you?" Ainsley questioned. Christian slides his hand over to Ainsley's hand and squeezes it.

"Her name is Jenna..."

"I see you remembered my name, I feel special." Jenna snapped.

Christian stood up not looking happy, placing his hand on her back he looked back at Ainsley looking upset "Ainsley can you excuse us for a moment."

Ainsley watched on as he walked her out, she was being loud and obnoxious and he was trying to calm her down. She didn't know what to think, not wanting to jump to conclusions she waited for him to come back to see what he had to say about her.

About ten minutes later Christian sat back down at the table pinching the bridge of his nose "I'm so sorry about that."

"What was that all about?"

"About a month ago or so we went out a few times, I ended it when I figured it wasn't going anywhere with us, I just wasn't into her." He sighed.

"Wow, by the way she acted you would have thought differently."

"No.. we were only together maybe a total of two weeks if that." He said rubbing his forehead.

"Oh." She said quietly, as their food was being placed on the table.

During their meal Ainsley kept quiet and thought about if what that girl said was true, and if it was true she was going to make him pay. If he wanted to truly be with her he was going to have to prove it to her.

Christian noticed that she had been quiet the entire meal and ordered her another margarita. "Look I apologize for what happened earlier, don't let what she said bother you."

Ainsley smiled and nodded her head. "I'm not worried."

"Good." He says bringing her hand up to his and kissing it. "I want us to have a good time tonight."

"We can still have a good time, what do you have in mind after this?" She asks as she takes a big gulp of her margarita.

"I'll let you decide, whatever you would like to do and I'll buy."

Ainsley sits and thinks for a moment. "Well we can either go bowling, I haven't done that in a while, or I could beat your ass in pool, now that we don't have a couple drunks with us." She laughed.

"Bowling huh?" He smiles "I haven't played that since highschool, sounds kinda fun."

"Let's do that, they even have pool tables in the place so if we wanted to switch it up we can do that too."

Ainsley drinks the rest of her margarita while Christian pays the bill. She's not convinced yet on how that girl made him out to be. She thinks he seems pretty sincere and into her.

Once they get to the bowling alley they grab their shoes and pick out their balls. "When I used to go bowling, the bowling ball always ended up in the damn gutter. That's just how I roll." Christian laughed.

Ainsley giggled, she figured she finally was able to play a game where she knew she would be able to beat him. She never told him that she used to be on the bowling leagues.

"Well you did know that bowlers usually do it in the alleys." She grinned.

"I once walked into a bowling alley and saw a one armed man, I asked him if he was a righty or lefty. Needless to say he wasn't too happy with me, I'm such a dumbass."

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