12- Tough guy

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"Who's going to get in a fight?" Steve says looking around.

Carter points over to Christian, they watched on as Christian and the other guy argue, Christian ends up shielding Ainsley as the guy tried to grab her away from him.

Ainsley's friends see what's going on and pull her off the dance floor as the two men continued to argue. "If she is your girl, what the fuck was she doing dancing with me?"

"Just because she was dancing with you doesn't mean you could put your hands all over her. What are you doing grabbing her ass and breasts like that?" He yells shoving the guy.

The guy shoved Christian back before Steve had stepped in between them stopping the fight, yelling at them both. Christian stormed off the dance floor walking towards Ainsley "We need to talk." He says upset, taking her hand he walked her outside to talk.

"Christian what the hell are you doing?" She snapped pushing him away from her.

"I'm sorry but that guy had no right grabbing you like that."

"Ok fine he grabbed me, but what's it to you? I'm not yours to protect, I could have handled it myself."

Trying to remain calm he takes a deep breath, feeling guilty for making a scene inside the bar. "I may be a lot of things, or was a lot of things. But one thing I actually had respect for was not to grab a woman when they didn't ask for it... Did you ask him to grab you?"

"No." She said quietly as she looked up towards the sky with her arms crossed.

"I rest my case." He says pulling her in for a hug, running his hands through her hair he sighed "I'm sorry, please forgive me for making a scene back there, I just didn't like seeing that guy putting his hands on you like that." He says breathing in heavy.

"I guess I better let you get back to your friends, sorry again about what happened back there." He sighed.

She looked up at him, as much as she was upset with him, and pissed at what had just happened, she pulled him in for a kiss anyways. Feeling excited that she kissed him, he kissed her a little harder, the kiss so hot and long they became breathless. She pulled back to breathe, they were then interrupted by the guy that had grabbed Ainsley.

"That's right, take your whore home." The guy snapped as he lit up a cigarette.

Christian not happy with his choice of words kissed Ainsley's forehead "Excuse me for a moment." Christian says as he walked away from Ainsley.

Tapping the guys shoulder the man turned around, his face was quickly met with Christian's fist, busting his nose as blood poured out quickly, the man dropped to the ground covering his face. "Say you're sorry to the lady, you don't know nothing about her and she sure as hell didn't deserve that." Christian yells bending down as he got in his face.

"Sorry." The guy yelled upset.

"I suggest next time you don't walk up to a girl that you dont know and grab her like the way you did to her." Christian says pointing over at Ainsley.

Christian stood back up and adjusted his shirt, turning to look at Ainsley he walked over to her, "I had to do that, hope you're not mad that I punched him."

She shook her head no not knowing what to say to him, he took her hand walking her back into the bar. Hoping to himself that he was earning points with her.

"Thanks." Ainsley says as she let go of his hand walking back over to her friends.

Christian upset about what happened walked over to his friends asking if they just wanted to continue on over at his house, he decided that he was going to let Ainsley have her fun with her friends and would try to talk to her the next day, waving to her when they left.

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