26- Will you?

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Christian hears her beautiful voice and rested his hands on hers, leaning his head back to look at her. "I'm happy to see you." He smiled, holding on to her hand with one and patting his leg with his other hand, he lead her to his lap.

Holding her tight he rested his head on her arm as she sat sideways on his lap. "I wasn't expecting you to be home so early, I was actually waiting for you to call and say that you needed a ride home, everything OK?"

He breathed in heavier and held her tighter. He wants to tell her about Kristy but keeps telling himself to wait a couple days.

"Everything is fine, I just wanted to come home. How did you know that I was out here?"

"I heard you come in and leave, when Kalina left I saw your car in the driveway so I knew that you were here, I figured that you were outside somewhere, just wasn't sure why."

"I didn't want to interrupt you two, you both sounded like you were having a good time." He says kissing her arm, he looked up at her and cupped her face puckering his lips up for her, she then leaned down kissing him lovingly.

The devastation feeling he was feeling quickly changed while kissing her, groaning and rubbing her back softly while he kissed her. "Something is wrong, I can feel it." She said quietly as she pulled her lips away from his, resting her head on against his forehead.

"No... everything is fine, just have some things on my mind." He tried assuring her, as well as himself. He points out towards the backyard "That should be a perfect spot to build a huge playground, what do you think?"

"It would be a great spot, but we really don't have to worry about that for a few years." She smiled. She looked at him with a curious look, she knew something was wrong or could tell that something was bothering him and was determined to figure it out. "So that's not like you to leave Carter's so early, what happened?"

"Nothing happened, I just wanted to come home and be with you." Not wanting to talk about it anymore he started tickling her making her squirm and giggle. Having her stand up he sat at the edge of his chair and lifted her shirt up, placing soft kisses over her stomach. "I cannot wait to meet our little creation." He says still kissing her stomach.

"I was a little worried that you wouldn't take it well." She said quietly.


"I don't know why, I was just nervous about it." She says shrugging her shoulders and pulls him tightly against her. "Maybe it's because of how you were before me, I thought that maybe you would get scared and take off.... I know it sounds stupid."

"That's funny, because for weeks I had a feeling that you were, I could see a change in you and I got excited thinking that you were. I had been waiting for you to finally tell me. To be honest, I wanted it more than anything, I couldn't have picked a better person to have a child with, and I'm ecstatic that it's with you."

Picking her up he spun her around with a smile "You're going to get me dizzy and make me ralph all over you if you don't stop." She giggled. Carrying her over to the sliding door to see if it was unlocked, when it opened he carried her in and walked over to the kitchen setting her on the counter.

Her legs wrapped around his waist kissing him hard, her tongue thrusted inside his mouth dominating his, while enjoying the taste of the beer and bourbon on his breath. Her insides were coming alive as he pressed his hardened cock against her pussy, letting out soft moans as she tugged on his hair. "Take me right here." She moaned into his mouth sliding her hands down to the hem of his shirt pulling it off of him in a hurry.

"Gladly.." He groaned ripping her button up shirt off, buttons breaking flying everywhere, sliding off the counter she helped take his pants off, his cock sprung out hitting her face when pulling his pants down making her giggle. Lifting her back up after taking her bottoms off he set her on the edge of the counter.

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