28- I knew it

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Kristy stood their swaying side to side, her eyes droopy and her words with a slur, trying to focus she looked back and forth from Ainsley to Christian. Not wanting to answer either one of them.

Ainsley stood there watching her in disgust and was growing more frustrated with her, she could smell the booze coming off of her. "Either you tell us the truth now, or I can call for an ambulance and have that baby checked out." She says pulling out her phone. "Your choice."

"No need to fucking call." Kristy slurred reaching her hand out to her "I fucking made it up." She said quietly.

"What did you just say? I'm sorry I didn't hear what you said." Christian blurted out holding his hand behind his ear with furrowed eyebrows.

"I said.... I'm not pregnant." She says dropping to the ground covering her face. "I had hoped that by telling you that I was, that you would feel sorry and that you would come back to me."

"Why? I wasn't in love with you and I never was." He says angry resting his hands behind his head.

"I know, but I was in love with you, and I thought that if you came back to me that I could get you to fall in love with me. You really hurt me."

Ainsley stood back listening to her, she was happy to hear that it was a lie, but was also upset that she put him through this, she hopes that she will learn her lesson so that it doesn't happen again to somebody else.

"Just a little fyi, that's no way to get a man, it's fucked up, that's what it is." Ainsley said harshly. "And let's just say that if he for some reason went back to you and with this lie that you were hiding, don't you think he would have found out? Don't you think he would leave again? What would your plan have been then? Lie again and say that you miscarried? Because that's really fucked up, nobody in their right mind would say something so hurtful like that, there are many real woman that go through that, and it's the worst feeling in the world."

Ainsley was leaning down getting in her face yelling at her, she wanted to smack the shit out of her for her lies and deceitful ways, Christian pulled her back away from Kristy. "Let's just go, she isn't worth it." He started to walk away but stopped as he started to feel more angry that she was going to try ruining his relationship with Ainsley, he turned around and walked back up to Kristy pointing his finger at her.

"You know I took a gamble with choosing you that night, I realize now how bad of a mistake that really was." Christian says to Kristy as he takes Ainsley's hand. "Have a nice fucking life, just stay far away from us from now on, also do me a favor and lose my fucking number, I don't want to hear from you again."

They walk away from Kristy leaving her still sitting on the ground in tears, they didn't give a shit that she was upset. Ainsley was shaking from being so upset, before opening the door for Ainsley he gave her a big hug and kissed her forehead. "It's over, and we got to the truth. We can move on from this bullshit and go forward now." He says opening the door for her.

"I knew it, I just fucking knew it." Christian smiled as he looked over at Ainsley before starting the car.

"You're very lucky, I'll say that. When she opened that door I looked down at her stomach I knew instantly that she wasn't pregnant, and then to be drinking and drunk on top of it."

"Well one good thing is that we can move on from this. I never want to go through this shit again. I thank God for you and I thank you for giving me something that I never thought that I would ever have. You honestly came at the right time in my life, and I'll say it again and again, that I couldn't be any more happier." He grins squeezing her hand.

Instead of going back home, he drove over to go check on his sister's and to see how they are doing. He hadn't checked in on them for a little while and would like to fill them in on the news about him and Ainsley.

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