14- You have stolen my heart

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Christian paid for the food and had her follow him home. He drove home in smiles and was actually excited for her to come over.

Ainsley was shocked when she walked in his home, she was expecting a small bachelor pad that would have been filled with naked girls on his walls, beer boxes everywhere being used as chairs or for a table. Her expectations were that of what she thought a typical partying bachelor would have in their home.

What she saw was a nice sized house that was neatly decorated, someone that obviously had some money, she could tell that he didn't own ritzy things but that he owned nice things. "Wow, nice place." She says amazed as she looked around. "You decorated this yourself?"

"I did with the help of an interior decorator, what do you think?"

"I'm shocked, I like it, this is nothing that I had expected at all."

"What were you expecting?" He asks as he sets the groceries down on the counter.

"Definitely not this that's for sure. I was expecting a small bachelor pad, a messy house, clothes everywhere, naked girls posted on the walls everywhere etcetera."

"No.." He chuckles. "I have never been that way. Even in my younger years as a teenager. I have always kept a clean home."

Going through his cupboard he pulls out a pot and skillet and sets them on the stove, grabbing the pot he fills it with water to boil for the noodles and cuts up butter to melt, as well as mincing garlic to saute in the butter.

Ainsley stood at the counter watching Christian amazed "Where did you learn to cook?"

"My mom, I used to watch her cook and I would also help her when I was growing up. When she would have to stay late at work I was the one who would cook the meals." He says as he sautes the garlic.

"Do you have any siblings?"

"I have two younger sisters, Kelsey and Kirsten."


Christian laughs "How did you guess?"

"The names kind of gave it away." She smiled.

"They are both trouble makers, I'm always the one getting them out of trouble and paying for their way out of trouble."

"Runs in the family I take it." She grinned.

"Nooo.." He chuckled. "They seriously are trouble. I get in trouble with the ladies, they get in trouble with the law."

"Oh that's not good, how old are they?"

"Nineteen." He sighed.

Ainsley could feel that he was getting upset talking about his sisters and changed the subject, asking if she could help him with anything.

"I don't need any help, I really would like do this for you, and I need to redeem myself somehow with you." He smiled grabbing a bottle of wine.

"Would you like a glass of wine?"


Christian opened a bottle of wine and poured her a glass, walking towards her with the glass in hand. Standing in front of her with a smile on his face he curled his finger under her chin and placed a genuine kiss on her lips before handing her the glass of wine.

Walking away he smiled hoping that he had her thinking about the kiss. After finishing with the cooking he made her a plate and set it down at the table in front of her, he made himself a plate and sat down across from her.

"I hope it's OK." He smiled when he watched her take a bite, twirling his fork in the noodles and piercing a shrimp to eat with his noodles.

"It's really good, thank you." She says covering her mouth as she had food still in her mouth.

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