19- Roaming Alaska

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The eyes looking back at Christian continued while the two ate their dinner, he noticed how her eyes were showing hatred, jealousy, and he could care less to think or wonder what her problem was.

"How's your steak?" He asked trying to avoid looking at the other woman who was sitting directly across from them giving him dirty looks.

"It's really good, thank you for bringing me here."

"So this Friday I have to leave for Alaska for work, and will be gone for a week." She stopped chewing her steak and set her fork down looking upset "Oh?" She asked quietly wiping her mouth with her napkin.

"You didn't let me finish." He chuckled. "I wanted to ask if you would like to come with me?"

"What about the kids? I'm not sure if I could find a sub that quick?"

Not expecting her to say what she said, he looked up and took a deep breath "You're serious right? I thought teachers call in all the time and have subs come in at moments notice."

She then smiled and let out a giggle. He nodded his head wondering what she was laughing at. She then pointed her finger at him and touched his nose "You should have seen your face, of course I'll be able to find a sub, as for the kids, I would miss them but I would rather be in Alaska with you."

He gave her a nudge and let a chuckle "Whew... you little shit."

"I've always wanted to go there, sounds fun." She smiled.

"What would your thoughts be if you were asked to pose in some of their gear, as what I'll be doing? I have to pose in skiing gear, skis, etcetera, and they asked if you would be interested in doing it as well."

"Me? Why me?"

"They really liked you when they saw you doing the runway, they also said they are willing to pay you. Plus I would rather have you as my partner instead of Aubry." He sighed saying Aubry's name.

"I would love to do it, besides I'd rather do it with you than Aubry."

"I'd rather do you too." He winked.

She giggled pushing his shoulder "You're so bad, I wasn't talking that way."

"I know." He laughed "But it is true though." He winked, she leaned over to him and kissed him "I like it when you talk that way to me anyways."

They finished their meal and the eyes continued to give Christian and Ainsley evil looks, Ainsley happened to see her staring at them and looked back at her confused wondering if she knew her.

"That blonde girl in the red dress, do you know her at all? She's been staring at us the whole time." She asks looking at Christian with her eyebrows furrowed.

He wiped his face and pushed his plate towards the end of the table. He took a deep breath and a loud exhale escaped his mouth.

"Yes... I unfortuanlty do know her, her name is Kristy. We went out for a couple weeks before I had met you, she became extremely clingy and wanted more from me that I couldn't give her. We had no connection like you and I do."


"I was hoping to never run into her again." He sighed heavily.

"I'm not sure how many you have been with, but my guess is that I'm sure there will be more." She said quietly.

Nodding his head knowing that it was most likely true. He then paid the bill and had started to walk her towards the door.

Kristy was there with another date, so he wasn't sure why she would be giving them evil looks, and flipping them off when they walked by.

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