20- You little minx

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Christian walked back to the table looking disturbed, sitting their quiet staring at his food. Ainsley wasn't sure what that was about but was bothered that he looked upset.

"Something wrong?" She asked quietly as she leaned forward.

Rubbing his face he leaned back in his chair and looked up at the ceiling. "My sister's broke out of the home and are now missing."

"Would you like to leave?" Ainsley asks concerend.

"No." He said shaking his head, sitting back up. "They are going to keep me posted, they have been talking to the other kids seeing if they had talked about anything, trying to get clues." He says pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, this isn't the first time that they have done this."

"We could always go back home and look for them." She offered.

"No, no... we are here to have a good time, my sister's obviously do not want the help. I've tried." He sighed taking a drink of his wine.

"I know that I do not know them, but do you think maybe that they went to go see your parents?"

"It's very well possible, I did bring that up to them and for them to check it out." He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, locking his hand within hers he smiled "Let's not let them spoil anything for us, I'll deal with them kids when I get back."

The rest of their night he tried to not think about his sister's and focused his mind all on Ainsley. After dinner he took her out to a nightclub that was down the road, he figured that he owed her a night of dancing and some games of pool.

They walked into the packed nightclub and found an open table to sit at near the pool tables. They sat down and looked at their specialty drinks that were advertised on the table "What would you like, I'll go grab our drinks."

"Sex on the beach." She smiled.

"Sorry hun, we can't do that here unless you want to have sex on the snow, I would enjoy your nipples even more then." He chuckled, giving her a kiss as he smiled. "I'll be right back."

She laughed and shook her head as he walked away, she sat there looking around and watched everyone as she waited for Christian to return. While she sat and waited she saw Christians phone light up, she thought it was ringing and was going to answer it, picking his phone up getting ready to answer it she saw that it was a text message from an unknown number. Her heart dropped when she read what it had said.

I need you to call me, I'm pregnant. She figured someone had the wrong number, deleted the message and set his phone back down. Christian came back with their drinks and noticed Ainsley looked like she was in a different world. "Do you have a band aid?" He asked her.

"No, why?"

"Because I scraped my knee falling for you." He said trying to get her to laugh, which she did. "There's the smile I was looking for, what was on your mind?"

She shrugged her shoulders and looked away putting the straw in her mouth tasting her drink. "They made it just right." She smiled.

A slow song was playing so Christian grabbed her drink from her hand and set it down on the table. "Come with me." He says taking her on the dance floor.

Wrapping his arms around her he stared down at her with a grin, curling his finger under her chin he lifted her head up and leaned in for a kiss.

As much as she felt hurt about the text message she saw, she wished she hadn't seen it all. Being in his arms and his lips pressed against hers, she felt comfort and held him tighter kissing him back lovingly.

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