24- Finding the twins

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"So what's next if they aren't there?"

"I know they are there, that girl said they over heard them going to the pooh corner, I'm positive that's where they'll be. If they are feeling that they were the cause of my parents deaths then they are probably there looking for some sort of comfort right now."

"You didn't know anything that happened that day at all?"

"No, absolutely nothing, I was living on my own then. I got a call from the police that my parents were in a bad accident, that they were airlifted to the hospital and that I was to come pick up the girls from my parents place."

Christian got quiet for a while thinking back to when the girls were living with him trying to remember if they had mentioned anything about that day. He got frustrated the more he thought about everything.

"Never once did they say anything to me about a fight, or wishing anything bad on my parents. But the more I think about it, it explains some of the things they have gotten themselves into. They lived with me for two years until they started getting involved with the drugs and alcohol, stealing, etcetera." He sighed loudly.

They pulled up to his parents place and parked in the driveway. Shutting the car off he looked to see if anyone had been there.

"Doesn't anyone live here?" She asked as she looked at the house and the surroundings.

"No.. I never sold it, I've kept it the way it was. I was going to sell it at first, but I figured that I would keep it incase the girls needed a place to live once they could live on their own, but then they started to get into trouble, I've been paying landscapers to come by and cleaners to clean the house every couple months to keep the dust away."

"Why wouldn't the cops come here and look?"

"The girls always thought that I sold the house, I never expected them to come here or go to the treehouse."

Christian opened his door stepping out and walks over to her door opening it "Shall we go look?"

"You want me to come with?"

"I'd love for you to come with... come on." He says taking her hand.

He starts walking towards the backyard, talking to her about growing up there, pointing to areas that brought back memories.

He then stopped putting his finger to his mouth for her to be quiet and listened when he thought he heard voices.

"Do you hear that?" He whispered. He continued to walk slowly not wanting to scare them if they are out back in the woods.

The closer they got he knew they were there from the voices he kept hearing. He pointed over to the tree house, "They are up there, I heard them talking." He whispered again walking over to the treehouse, standing by the steps he looked up and called out for them.

"Kelsey, Kirsten I know you're up there, please come on down."

They stood there for a few minutes and when the girls didn't respond he started walking up the steps and pushed up on the door to open it.

Popping his head through the opening he turned his head and saw them hunched together, trying to hide. "Dammit you two.. what the hell are you doing here?" He snapped.

"How did you find us?" Kirsten asked worried watching him push himself up inside.

"Don't ask me any questions, I'm asking you two what are you doing here?"

They both looked at him with a blank stare, not knowing what to say. He looked around to see if they had anything hidden, finding a couple liquor bottles stashed in the corner

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