17- Bed of roses

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"I knew it." Ainsley looks at him and happened to let out a small giggle.

"What's so funny?" Christian asked confused, thinking that she would want to go home and never talk to him again.

"She kept staring at me, giving me dirty looks. So I smarted off to her."

Ainsley let him know what she had said to her, he laughed and was surprised she had talked to her that way.

"For being a teacher, you're quite mouthy."

"Well you should have seen the looks that she was giving me. I surprised myself to be honest." She giggled.

He gave her a very long desperate kiss, not wanting to stop he groaned when pulling away from her "I better get over there and do my thing quick, when I get back we can leave."

He couldn't wait to leave the fashion show and spend some quality time with her. On the way back to his dressing room he was stopped by Aubry.

Pressing her hand on his chest, she gave him an evil look. If looks could kill he would be dead instantly. "Who the hell is that bitch?"

"What bitch?" He asks looking around "The only one I see here is you." Pushing her hand away he starts walking with a grin on his face, the look on her face was priceless. "And by the way..." He says turning around "I'm here with my girlfriend, and yes you heard that right. My girlfriend..." He emphasizes.

Returning to his room, he was gleaming to see that Ainsley was still waiting for him in his room. "I don't know about you, but I'm ready to get out of here."

"Me too." She smiles walking over to him with a mischievous look. "Was that you I just heard talking out in the hallway?"

"Me?" Grinning an evil grin, he wrapped his arms around her waist "Of course it was."

"How about we skip dinner and just head straight for the room?" She says sliding her hand down the front of his pants, pecking at his lips.

She started unzipping his pants, letting them drop to the floor, she giggled when she felt how hard he had gotten. His heart was thumping, the more he looked at her the more he wanted to throw a quick one in her.

His lips quickly went to her neck kissing her all over when she leaned her head back as her fingers were tangled into his hair. Letting out a loud groan his lips went back to hers roughly.

"God I want you right now, but they are going to need this room here in a minute." Groaning into her ear as she continued to feel him below.

Bending down she uncovered his cock, licking the tip of his cock "Oh God." He moaned. She slowly moved her mouth all way to the end of his cock, sucking hard as she came back up.

"Either we go to dinner or to the room." She teased as she stood up waiting for him by the door.

"That was mean." He muttered as he kicked his pants away looking around quickly for his clothes.

"That was just to show what you'll be looking forward to later." She smiled wide, showing him her pearly whites.

Christian walked her to his car, opening the door for her, pulling her in for a kiss before she sat down in his car.

Once he got in his car, he paused before starting it, shifting his body to look at her, resting his hand on the steering wheel "You make the call, where would you like to go right now?"

She was hungry, but she was more hungry for him, after hearing what he said in the hallway to whom she assumed was Aubry she wanted him, turning her head to face him she smiled.

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