13- Trying to up his game

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Christian walks Ainsley to his car, leaving his agent standing outside upset with him, he didn't care at the moment, he figured he would deal with her later and just wanted to get Ainsley home.

"So was that girl another victim of yours?" Ainsley asked quietly.

Christian gripped the steering wheel tighter with his one hand and rubbed the back of his neck with his other hand. He knew it didn't look good for him being with another female, but this time it was for a good reason.

"No, I know you may think it looked bad, but that was my agent, she was trying to get me to sign a contract, we were only there for a business deal that I said I would get back to them on. She wasn't to happy with me that I told them that I had to think about it."


"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ruin your night, but I couldn't just let you be taken for a ride with him. He's bad news."

"How do you know him?"

"He's at all the poker tournaments that I go to. I have seen it all with him, you must have met him that night I saw you."

When she nodded her head sideways he knew. He knew Mark was there that night, but thought he had left after he lost in poker.

"He asked me to pay for dinner, when he went to the bathroom I got up and left, leaving him with the bill. Hopefully he paid it."

"Would you like for me to go back?"

"No, that's OK. I just want to go home."

Christian pulls up to her house, and walked her to her door hoping that she would invite him in. When she didn't he walked slowly back to his car thinking of ways for her to let him take her out.

He walked back up to her door and knocked until she opened the door, peaking her head out the door "Why haven't you left yet?"

"Can we start over? Let me take you out."

"I don't know, I do have a couple other dates going on this week."

Hearing that he gulped and sighed "Well if you're interested you have my number... you do still have my number correct?"

"Yes." She said quickly. "By the way I forgot to thank you, thanks for bringing me home. I appreciate it."

"Yea you're welcome." He says turning around walking away.

Ainsley watched him walk away, she didn't have any dates going on, she just told him that wanting to see how he would react, being that he reacted with hurt in his eyes, she was starting to think that maybe he was telling her the truth that he wasn't out to hurt her. But she didn't want to give in to him just yet.

Later that night Carter called asking for him to meet him at the small bar in town. "What are you doing there?" Christian asked shocked.

"Just come and meet me please."

Christian finds his way to the bar that he had only been to once before, he never liked the place being that it was a fighting bar. Walking in he saw Carter sitting at the end of the bar with a couple shots sitting in front of him.

"What's the meaning of this?" Christian asks as he sees his friend beyond drunk watching him take another shot.

"Sit down and haaave a shot with mee." Carter slurred.

Christian sits down and takes the other shot that was sitting on the bar next to him.

"What's up?" He says as he drinks the shot.

"I felt like having a drink and didn't feel like going to a nightclub."

"It's a weeknight."

Carter shrugged his shoulders and started laughing. "Oh well." He says picking up his mixed drink, trying to take a drink but the straw kept moving away from his mouth.

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