32- Epilogue

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Four months have gone by since Christian and Ainsley said their I do's, Christian had a few of friends over to play cards and to drink some beers, while Ainsley had her friends over getting prepared for the baby to arrive.

"So it looks like you're getting ready to hit the hospital soon." Steve asks with a grin, while shuffling the cards.

"She's getting there that's for sure." Christian says as he looks at his cards. He leans forward with a grin "Between us, I cannot wait for her to finally deliver. Man she has been a crab ass like you wouldn't believe." He says quietly as he looks to make sure Ainsley wasn't near by.

Carter laughed and smiled looking at his cards. "What's so funny?" Christian curiously asked, giving him a funny look.

"I thought that this was what you wanted?" Carter smirked.

"Oh I did, don't get me wrong. But I can't do anything right, and her temper.. hooollly shit, I say one thing to her and she snaps."

"I'm sorry what do I do?" Ainsley says as she stands behind him with her hands on her hips.

Christian's eyes got wide and took a big gulp as he looked at the guys, they looked down at their cards when they saw her standing there, not wanting to see what happened next, they knew she didn't look happy.

"Heyyy honey." Christian says turning around with his lips spread tightly, knowing he's in trouble. "Would you like to sit on my lap? I've got something for you." He tried to smile but it faded when he saw her eyebrows furrowed at him.

"Are you talking shit about me?"

"Nah, I was just saying that I can't wait for you to deliver that's all."

"I heard you say something else, and no I won't sit on your lap, I also know that you're trying to be funny, and make me laugh so your ass doesn't get into trouble, which you are now."

"Damn woman.. calm down." He says trying to have her sit on his lap, he finally succeeded but she wasn't happy. "What did you need anyways? Something I can help you get?" He asked rubbing her leg.

Ainsley looked over at him and whispered in his ear.

"Fine." He sighed, then looked over at Carter and smirked.

Ainsley got up and walked into the kitchen grabbing some more wine for the girls and left giving Christian the look.

"She's got you wrapped around her finger, doesn't she." Steve joked.

"Nooo... And if you continue to look at my wife's breasts, I'm going to take all of your chips."

"What? I wasn--" Steve starts to say and stops when Christian raised an eyebrow at him. "Sorry man, but damn they got huge."

"I like them that way, I hope they stay that way too, I enjoy motor boating them." He smirked.

Carter gasped and covered his mouth trying not to laugh, especially when he saw Ainsley walk back near them. He tried poking a finger out and giving the eye to let him know that she was in the room.

Christian caught on and smiled "All I know is that I have the best damn wife in the world, don't be jealous that you all don't have a smoking hot wife like mine." He grinned.

Ainsley had a feeling that he knew she was in the room and went up and twisted his ear. "I know what you're up to." She looked over at Carter and he looked away trying to refrain from laughing.

"Ouch! What the hell was that for?"

"Motor boating." She says walking away.

"Damn she's got ears." Carter says quietly as he leaned over to Christian.

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