4 | Mario-Con

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**If you had already seen Mario-Con (you probably have) you can skip to when these pop up again, if you hadn't, well this includes (Y/N), enjoy!**

"Oh wow, this is Glitch-Con?" (Y/N) asked. "Well, yes, before the actual con starts, we got to set up our booth. Well, my booth. If you wanna help me?" SMG4 replied. "Oh yeah, I'll help! What are you doing though?" "I'm doing a booth where you can play board games!" SMG4 answered.
"Oh! Well, that's nice." (Y/N) said, exiting the car they were in. "Okay, so the booth stuff is already so we will just have to get everything ready, maybe we can take turns," SMG4 said giving them a glance while locking the car.

"Take turns?" (Y/N) asked. "Like, switch who goes to explore Glitch and who stays at the booth." He answered. "Oh! Yea that can work!" (Y/N) commented.

"Okay, it's right... over there!" SMG4 pointed, dragging (Y/N) with them to the booth. "Well, It's small. But the smaller, the more it has to offer!" They commented. "Right! So this box has all the tables, this one has chairs, and this one has all the games!" SMG4 pointed. "I'll do the table and chairs, they should be folded up, right?" They asked. "Yea," SMG4 replied, unfolding the game box.

After about 20 - 30 minutes-ish, the 2 of them finished setting up their booth. SMG4 wiped his head and removed his cap. "Whew, alright, we're done." He put his cap back on. "Yep! Now what?" (Y/N) asked. "We should wait for it to start, other than that, I found a new meme, in my daily dose!" SMG4 said, cheerfully pointing to his phone. "Ooh! Ooh! Let me see!" (Y/N) said grabbing SMG4's phone. "wait. what's your passcode?" They asked. "That I can't show you." He said grabbing his phone back and putting his password in. "Here." He said pointing to a Bowsette meme. "Oh!!" (Y/N) said, laughing their butt off so hard they fell over. "Are you okay?!" SMG4 asked, putting his hand out for them, like one of those cliche anime moments. "Yeah, I'm fine." (Y/N) said, taking his hand. "Good." He replied. "Now let's just wait till people start coming in." "Okay."

Glitch-Con started 10 minutes ago and they got 10 people to play, which is an accomplishment. "Okay! I'm going to look around, just to see what else is there." SMG4 said, walking away from the booth. "Okay!" (Y/N) yelled back, getting a book out and starts reading it. "Hey! Have you heard of him?" Someone comes up to the booth and points to a man. "Oh him? I think he made the Metal Gear Solid Series... Why?" (Y/N) asked them. "Well, I really want his Autograph, but I'm too scared to do it, plus there are so many people there and I'm claustrophobic, so I thought you could help out?" They asked. "Sure, I mean, What could possibly go wrong?" (Y/N) said, putting their book down and running towards the man. "Thank you!!" The person said. "Sure, Tari, I'll go talk to him!" Meggy said, running towards the man. "Fine, Luigi!" Mario said, running towards the man.

"Hey! I need your AutoGraph!" Meggy said to the man. "No! I Need His Autograph!" Mario replied, complaining. "NO! I need it!!!" (Y/N) said. The man started chuckling, he got his wand out. The 3 of them looked confused.

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