22 | The Melancholy of Fishy Boopkins.

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Rewatching the Rapper Bob Arc is making me sad. I cried while making this chapter...

(Y/N) and SMG4 stopped dying of laughter when they heard sniffling. "Sounds like someone was or is crying..." (Y/N) whispered. "Yeah..." SMG4 replied.
They took a moment of silence to see where the noise was coming from. (Y/N) headed to the door and put their ear against it. "It's outside since it's really faint here, but it's loud near the door." SMG4 nodded and opened the door. "It's getting louder." He commented. (Y/N) nodded and headed outside. Nothing really seemed out of the ordinary, except for Boopkins looking really depressed on a bench, not too far from the castle. (Y/N) and SMG4 looked at each other, then walked over to where Boopkins sat. SMG4 got there before (Y/N), so he was the first to ask. "Hey Boopkins, what wrong? Why the long face?" (Y/N) soon got there. "Yeah, what happened man?"

"What?" Boopkins looked at them, a frown still appeared on his face. "Oh, nothing..." he groaned and looked away from the 2. SMG4 and (Y/N) thought for a moment, figuring out what will cheer the poor green fish up. Until (Y/N) had an idea. "Uhh..." They started off stuttering. "Why don't we go watch some anime? That'll cheer you up!" They then exclaimed, sitting on the bench beside Boopkins. "Yeah!" SMG4 then cheered. "We'll watch Attack on Titan, My Hero Academia, Toyko Ghoul, and loads of others!" Boopkins sighed. "No, I don't want to watch anime right now..." SMG4 and (Y/N) stood there in shock for a moment. "Uh- I- What?" (Y/N) exclaimed, surprised honestly. Boopkins LOVED to watch anime, why didn't he want to now?!

SMG4 grabbed (Y/N)'s arm, shocked at the fact still, walking backwards, back inside towards the castle. He opened the doors to find Mario, a Mech Shroomy, a shocked Bowser at the Mech Shroomy, Meggy, Tari, Toad, Saiko, and Luigi. They were all watching the TV, which was occupied by Saiko, Tari, and Meggy playing Super Smash each other in the ass brothers: Ultimate.

"What the hell is thi-" Bowser said, before being cut off by Shroomy. "Oh hey, SMG4 and (Y/N)! What's going on? Something on your mind?" (Y/N) nodded. "Boopkins." SMG4 started off.

"Just Said." (Y/N) continued.

"He's too sad to watch Anime." SMG4 finished off, which made everyone look at the 2, in shock. "Oh no..." Luigi started. "I think I know what's making him sad-" Meggy then raised her fist in the air. "We gotta make him feel better!" She exclaimed. "But... how?" (Y/N) asked. "We should give him spaghetti!" Mario stated. "That always makes me feel better!" Bowser almost agreed before shaking his head. "What? No, that's a horrible idea!" He exclaimed. "We should bake him a cake!" Tari had something else to say. "How about we play a game of Smash each other in the ass Ultimate!?"

Shroomy then took his idea to charge. "How about I shoot him with my Hi-Voltage Impact Laser Cannon?" SMG4 and (Y/N) had the look of boredom at Shroomy as if he was a moron or something. "He-He... Just Kidding..." Shroomy embarrassedly said. "Sort of," he whispered. Everyone then got in a big argument about who will help Boopkins to cheer him up. After about a minute or so, (Y/N) and SMG4 got annoyed. "WILL YOU SHUT UP?!" he yelled. Everyone looked at him like he said some terrible word. "Why don't each of you try to cheer him up by yourselves?" (Y/N) asked, frustrated. Everyone stared at them in shock. Why hadn't they think of this before?


Outside the castle, 2 minutes after (Y/N) had yelled to tell everyone to do it yourself. Boopkins was eating Chocolate ice-cream out of a cone. Mario came out, dressed as a doctor, as he came closer and closer to look at Boopkins, so Boopkins so acknowledge him. "Huh?" Boopkins saw Mario, he was all confused. "What?" he asked, to himself. Mario picked up the bench Boopkins was sitting on, which made Boopkins freak out. "WHAT?!" Boopkins started to scream as Mario began singing. "I am Dr. Mario and I am saving lives!" Mario then threw the bench all the way up to the window, which made Boopkins traumatized by the bench stopped. Mario pulled up a chair beside the bench, then began his therapy. "Tell Dr.Mario why you're sad." "NO!" Boopkins yelled, jumping off the bench.

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