10 | Thoughts & Dreams

457 11 10

(F/N) = First Name

(M/N) = Middle Name (if none, put a middle name you wish you had, or a random one.)

(L/N) = Last Name (again, if none, put if you wish you had one.)

BTW You're going to need this meme for later on 😉 ^^

SMG4 was looking around the castle grounds. Scratching his head while looking in bushes. 'They gotta be somewhere' he thought. He kept looking around until a hovering figure shadowed over him. He looked up the sky. The figure was a shadow because of the sun's light. He put his hand to his forehead to look at the figure. "Rise and shine, my little guy." The figure said, revealing themselves.

"(Y/N), what happened to you?" SMG4 exclaimed. (Y/N) swooped down to try and reach for him, he thankfully dodged. "Nothing! I'm perfectly fine!" (Y/N) said, going for another swoop. SMG4 dodged again. He looked into their eyes. SMG4 widened their eyes. 'What has he done to you?' He thought, dodging from another swoop. "Stop, dodging!" They screamed. SMG4 made an escape, running back to the castle. "Hey! Get back here!" They screamed, flying after him. SMG4 got in the castle and looked the door to every entry in the castle. He slid down the wall until his bottom reached the floor. He put his head in his knees and sighed. "Purple, Purple, Purple" he muttered under his breath. He kept the muttering for about an hour before falling asleep.


"Purple... Purple" whispers kept surrounding him. Until he opened his eyes. He was in a room, a dark grey room to be exact. "W-where am I?" SMG4 muttered. The room looked to be like someone's bedroom. He looked around. The bed's blanket was on the floor, in a mess, in tangles with the pillows and carpet. The light was off, making it more creepy then warm-hearted. The bedside table has a prescription bottle on it. He picked it up and read the labelling. "(F/N) (M/N) (L/N)'s Psychotic Healing Pills. Take one a day with a glass of water. Prescripted by Doctor Perscu." He looked around the bottle, counting how many were in it. "5 left." He counted. SMG4 put it down and went to the dresser with a mirror. He looked at the mirror. Blood marks covered to the point where he could only see get to see his head. He gasped and backed away from the dresser and bump into a wall. He turned around and saw a picture. A group picture, to be exact.

SMG4 looked at everyone in the picture. He saw: himself, Meggy, Mario, Peach, Fishy Boopkins, Bob, X, Enzo, SMG3, and loads of others, including (Y/N). The ground then started to shake, SMG4 took a look at the ground, nothing happened to it. He looked back at the picture and gasped. Everyone he knew had an X on their face, on his, around it, was a circle. (Y/N) was the only one who was fine. Nothing made them look weird or out of place. The background of the place originally was the front of the castle. Now, the picture was a dark purple and red version of the castle. By the time he was done analyzing the picture, the ground had stopped shaking. He sighed in relief and looked at the last thing he could look at & analyze. The door.

He walked in front of it. It was the only thing colourful thing in the room. It had a rainbow paint texture on it. Pictures of almost every single animal covered it, making the colour of the room, nearly unseen. SMG4 looked at the knob, he put his hand onto it. Thinking if this is the correct decision. He looked at his hand, then looked at the door. He closed his eyes and twisted the knob, opening the door. He took a step through and started falling. He opened his eyes, and flashbacks started playing around him.

He kept looking at the memories, going away from him. A white and Blue version of him appeared beside him. He fell onto the ground while the copies of him followed his actions. He stood up, a black bar appeared on his face.





SMG4 tried taking off the black bar. It was no use. It stuck like glue.





I ' L L N E V E R S I N G A L O N G!

SMG4 soon found himself falling again. 'God, why am I always falling?' he questioned. He tried taking off the black bar again, it decided to come off. He clutched onto it like it was the last thing he'd remember doing. He hit another ground, this time, no copies of himself appeared. While the black bar disappeared. His eyes kept shut. Until he woke up.


SMG4 took a gasp while he woke up. He put his knees down and put a hand on his cap. 'How long have I been asleep for?' He questioned his mind. He got up and looked around, everything seems to be staying where he last left it. He walked around the castle. Looking at stuff. He then had a memory, as he saw in his dream.

'I saw their room.' He thought. He took off his hat, looking at the front of it. 'Wonder what they are doing.' He thought, putting his hat on his head, going to find more pieces.


"i ' l l n e v e r s i n g a l o n g! "

Next - 11| Hypnoism

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