20 | Am I really falling for him?

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Sorry, it took so long to post, Writers Block LOVES me so much... ANYWAY, ENJOY YOU FRICKERS. I also will be writing all of this in (Y/N)'s POV since I need to experience more with this stuff so you can get a better feeling of what all the characters are thinking. So yeah. (Also I wrote this earlier but then Wattpad deleted the 200 - 300 words I had for this chapter so yeah lucky me >:((((() Also I know everything so far in the series was Platonic (Friendship) Love, but I'll make it interesting for the rest of the series. ;) You're welcome, friends.


God dangit, We spent all day rebuilding the castle ever since the apocalypse ended. Everyone is sweating, tired, almost dead looking as well, like seriously everyone looked like a corpse of 'Andy's coming' challenge. But, I couldn't blame them, I was on the castle's yellow dirt path sweating like a dog as well. "Well, we did it, guys!" Meggy stood up sweating. "Man, I haven't been this tired in a long time..." She muttered. "Well, at least I finally got to make my own room in the castle instead of having that guest room." I stood up and said, but immediately fell over since my palms were sweaty, knees were weak, my arms were heavy, there was vomit on my sweater already and I really wished for my mom's- "SPAGHETTI!!!" Mario cheered, running into the castle. I tried standing up again, only to be caught by SMG4. I blushed. "Uhh... Thanks." I muttered, looking away from him. "No problem." I looked back at him and he gave me a sympathetic smile. Shoot, he's adorable. Am I falling for him? No! He's just a good friend that I conveniently met while falling through a pipe- you know what this is already awkward since I'm saying my thoughts in my head while staring at him and he's staring at me, okay let's just go back to reality. I get up from his grasp and walk into the castle and head into my newly decorated room. "Now THIS is more me." The room was (insert what your room looks like here I won't judge but if you can't think of anything here's a picture

" The room was (insert what your room looks like here I won't judge but if you can't think of anything here's a picture

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TBH I would want that as my room I love beds that are high up, anyway back to the story.) I went to my bed and lied down on it. I held my hands onto my face and felt my face getting hotter and hotter. Gah! I was truly falling for a Youtuber, goodness... Now our friendship is probably going to be ruined because of these feelings! Dammit, I'm overthinking again, he's a nice guy he'll probably still be my friend if he doesn't like me back. But, am I even sure that I like him? I probably do... but the focus on my story is that I need to survive whatever the kingdom is... and I already figured that out. I take my hands off my face and get towards my mirror (if you don't have a mirror in your room you go to the bathroom). I look in the mirror and see that my entire face is red. Dear god, it looks like I ate something hot or burned my skin off. I shake it off and walk out of my newly decorated room and went into the kitchen to get some snacks. "Oh, hey (Y/N)!" SMG4 called out to me, I turn around and there he is, walking towards me. "Yes, what do you want?" I raise an eyebrow while getting some snacks from the cupboard.

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie with me?" He asked. I imagined me spitting out a cup of water in shock as you see with that guy spitting out cereal from an old meme back in 2010. "Hold up, 2 things. 1, why are you asking me and not... I don't know... Luigi and 2, what movie is it." I crossed my arms with chips in one hand and chocolate in another. "I can answer both of those things. 1, Everyone else is doing our own thing and we haven't spent much time together since you came and 2, Either The Lion King or Aladdin. You choose." He said. My eyes lit up, I wanted to watch...



Aladdin! A great movie that featured the beloved Princess Jasmine and Ali! Man, that's a great film. "Aladdin!" I cheer, while SMG4 chuckles. "Alright, bring your snacks and we can watch it."

The Lion King

Lion King! The best animal-related wildlife film, even though it makes me cry all the time, it's still a great film! "TLK!" I cheer, while SMG4 chuckles. "Alright, bring your snacks and we can watch it."

Choice is over it now doesnt matter what you have chosen :)

I brought my snacks to the living room and put them on the coffee table in front of us. SMG4 was already putting in the movie I chose. I grabbed a couple chips (or food you prefer) and put some in my mouth. I started smiling once he pressed play for the movie. SMG4 sat down beside me and grabbed a handful of chips too.

Halfway through the movie, I was smiling with overjoyed and saddened emotions. Over filling my happiness with food while Calming my crying from food and maybe a bit of sniffling but that doesn't matter. I then felt myself yawn. I took out my phone and looked at the time. "8 pm... damn..." I mutter to myself.

I lay my head on SMG4's and close my eyes. As my eyes were closed I heard someone shifting around and the movie turning off. I feel myself slowly fall onto the couch with a pillow underneath my head and a blanket overtop my body. I hear footsteps getting quieter and quieter as the entire room becomes quiet.

And I know who exactly did all of that.

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