8 | Powers

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"CAN I DO MY POWER COURSE PLEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAASSSSEEEEE?!!!???" (Y/N) begged Waluigi. It's been a week since he told them, and he said soon enough... Waluigi sighed, then nodded. (Y/N) cheered. "Where is ma training at?!" They asked. They were already running around. "Jeez, you're really excited. Okay, to your left. Then take a right. First door on the Left side." Waluigi said, focusing on the screen. "KK!!" (Y/N) ran that direction.
"Alright, let's see..." Waluigi scrolled through hidden cameras. "Most are still not fully developed... well, they better be affected by the time I get back from getting my drink." Waluigi said.

"There it is!" (Y/N) said, entering through the door. In the middle of the room stood a person. "Uhh... Are you here to teach me?" They asked. "Indeed." The person said. They turned around. "My name is Lizzy-"


"My name is Logan Sand-"


"My name is Mya, I'll be teaching your flying and control powers," Mya said. (Y/N) nodded, wondering what those beeps were. "Now, what should we start on?" Mya asked. "Flight!!" (Y/N) screamed. "Oops, sorry..." (Y/N) said, not screaming. "It's alright, (Y/N)," Mya said, shaking their head. "Now, let's start off with the basics of flying."

Mya started teaching (Y/N) the basics of flight. (Y/N) sort of already knew this, but decided to listen, just so they know what they are doing. "And that! Is how you control your wings. Questions?" Mya asked. "Yes, 1. How do I take off, and 2. Can I see them?" (Y/N) asked. Mya was like one of their best teachers they ever had, aside from the candy giving ones and very chill ones. "Excellent Question! We'll go over how to show your wings, and how to hide them. Then, once that's done, we'll learn how to take flight!" Mya said, using hand motions. (Y/N) nodded.

"Alright, so first, you put your back like this," Mya said, making her back straight as can be. "Then, once you hear a flap, bend your back and knees. I'm kidding. You just let them show. Like so." Mya did a demonstration and showed her wings. She had butterfly wings. The bigger parts were blue and the smaller parts were yellow with sparkles. "OOh!! Pretty!" (Y/N) said, admiring the wings. "Oh, thank you." Mya blushed. "Alright, now let's see your wings." (Y/N) said, and did what Mya showed them to do, but no wings showed up. "Hmm... Maybe you have hidden wings, like superhero flight!" Mya thought. "Just do this, then jump, you should hover." Mya bent her knees, then jumped, her wings started flapping while she was in the air. (Y/N) did that and started hovering. "I did it!!" They cheered. "Great! Now let's learn how to fly!"

After several minutes, (Y/N) learned how to fly, properly. "Ready for control?" Mya asked. "Yep!" (Y/N) said, hovering to the ground. "Okay, so I'm going to put this on you," Mya said, putting a chip on a clip, putting on their hair. "What side?" Mya asked. "Left." Mya put it on their left ear. "It hurts..." (Y/N) commented. "It'll get better over time, don't worry," Mya said. "Now, I want you to use your brain and focus on me, then It'll make you in control of me. Does that make sense?" (Y/N) nodded. They used their brain and took control of Mya. They got rid of the control and widened their eyes. "Woah..." They commented. "Okay, your good," Mya said, wobbling around. "Thanks, Mya!" (Y/N) said, flying to the door and exiting.

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