16 | What could possibly go wrong?

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"Okay, so, what happened while I was with Waluigi?" (Y/N) shivered at his name. "Not much, I was about to get Mario so we can defeat him. The best I got so far was this bus." SMG4 said, pointing to a weaponed bus. "I guess that's the battle bus." (Y/N) snickered. "Did you just make a Fortnite joke?" He asked. "Nooooo....." (Y/N) backed away. "Anyway, this is our best bet to finish him. You ready?" SMG4 asked (Y/N). "Ready till the end of the world." "Good, cause that's where we are headed." SMG4 grabbed (Y/N)'a hand again and led them to the bus.

"Do you have a license?" They asked, putting on their seatbelt. "No, but I know how to do one thing." SMG4 grabbed the wheel. "And that is..?" SMG4 stood on the gas pedal. "Actually, that's nothing." SMG4 drove the bus through the castle doors, heading to Mario's. "Great! We're getting the fat plumber." (Y/N) rolled their eyes. "Yeah but he'll be happy to see you. He was sad when Meggy got taken in by Waluigi." SMG4 sighed. "I would've felt bad too.." (Y/N) rubbed their arm. "Exactly." "So, what's our plan?" (Y/N) asked. "Plan?" SMG4 stuttered.

"Yeah, like this person does this, this one does that, so on so forth." (Y/N) did hand gestures. "Oh, yeah. We don't need a plan!" SMG4 said with confidence. "Right, I mean, what could possibly go wrong?"

<<I know this is short, but let me explain some stuff. I probably won't be able to update much anymore... No I'm not giving up!! It's just I have SOO much other stuff. Including:

Solo (which the studio is like an hour away from my hometown)
Other stuff

If it bothers you, please refer to reading the short stories, as I will be able to get stuff out on their much better and more frequently.

If a chapter does come out here, and it's incredibly long, the wait will be worth it.

Thanks for reading up to this point!!

~ Lizzy>>

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