19 | WOTFI 18:19

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It's time to start this... with this Chapters sponsor! The Sims 4 'cause it won't leave me the FUCK alone when I'm playing the ukulele on Ulitmate Guitar. Now, when I'm doing the rap battle, I'll say who's saying what, like this

(Y/N): Bloop

SMG4: Wtf was that

So yeah, now, ONTO THE CHAPTER!!


Past Lizzy before she changed it: also I don't know why I added the word boobies, might change it to Cookies.

Mario and SMG4 got transported to a barber shop. Outside the shop near the doorway, Waluigi stood with his sceptre, pointing it at the wall closest to him inside the barber shop, he summoned a T-Posed Bob, who looked at the 2 boys. Cracked his neck, then started cracking his entire body so he can move. SMG4 and Mario stood there in shock. Bob looked at them. "Yo, what up b*#$%es! How are you guys doing?" Bob said like his usual self. "Uhh... Bob?" Mario questioned. "Don't you feel anything... strange?" SMG4 added on. "Oh, I'm feeling great! But..." Bob said, then raising his hands in the air, revealing his sword or sharp hand blades. "I do have the sudden urge to cut some hair!" SMG4 and Mario got surprised and started making weird scared noises, as Bob was flying towards them.

"Swiggity Swooty, coming for that Italian booty!" Bob commented as he was flying. SMG4 and Mario screamed with their weird noises.


Zombox on Twitter: who can survive a haircut done by bob AND try not to die during it #teamsmg4


Mario and SMG4 were screaming stuff like "Oh god" and other words. "Alright, ladies, who is ready for the most beautiful haircut you will ever get?" Bob asked, to which no one replied, all that was heard was SMG4 and Mario continuing their screams of terror. "Bob! Mario just got a fresh haircut... he doesn't need another!" Mario told Bob, to which Bob replied. "That's nonsense! I can do better! I gave haircuts to people like Baldi." Baldi put his hands on the window while muffling "You're f***ed." Mario then screamed, either because he is scared, or he saw Baldi, no one knows.

"I'm glad you guys are excited. Now, time to get my haircutting blades." Bob said as he reached in a conveniently placed chest. He opened the chest and drew out 2 sharp looking swords with blood on the bottom half of the blades. "Ah, found them!" Bob replied to himself as he went up to SMG4. "WHAAT?" SMG4 yelled. Bob went in from a side, SMG4 dodged. Bob went to SMG4's right side, SMG4 moved out of the way. Bob went vertical down SMG4's body and stopped where his boy part was. "Oh, My D***," SMG4 said.

"Please, have mercy!" SMG4 cried for mercy

Bob slapped him, then whispered in his ear. "In my world, mercy doesn't exist." He then got in front of SMG4 and yelled: "Time to use my super sexy haircutting techniques!" Bob then proceeded to make helicopter noises and moving like a helicopter as he was waving his haircutting blades around SMG4, attempting to cut his hair.

Mario saw this and silently yelled "Ahhhh" so Bob didn't hear. "S**t S**t" Mario muttered to himself as he looked around the shop. "Woah, look at this! Cookies." Mario pointed into nothing as he tried to distract Bob, which worked. Bob fell to the ground and got out binoculars. "Where?" he asked. "The Cookies inspector is here!" Bob looked around the shop. "Freedom!" Mario yelled off the top of his lungs as he hopped in the chair, attempting to leave. Bob looked at him, a full-on concerned face he wore. Mario then fell down onto the pavement not far outside the shop. "S**t" Mario mumbled.

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