23 | Mario and the Diss Track

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Y'all have been waiting for this day huh? Well, here we go.
I'll be adding my own trash lyrics for (Y/N) in 'Ultimate Diss-track'. Sorry for my lack of creativity.

After the Boopkins sadness attack which is what they called it, the castle went back to its regular pace. We find Mario and Luigi inside the house of a chef. Soon, Mario getting kicked out of the house, Luigi following him. "And stay out!" Calls the chef, who slams the door in anger. Luigi and Mario both got up, as Luigi calls out Mario for kicking them out. "Mario! I told you not to play with your food!" He yells. "Why didn't you listen?!" Mario looks down at his shoes for a few seconds, then faces his brother. "Oh C'mon! As if you've never put spaghetti in your underwear before!"
Mario, after saying his return statement, squints as if he's looking at something behind Luigi. "Hey... What's all this?" He asks as Luigi turns around. Luigi makes a noise as he shakes his head. "Oh no..." He states.
If you haven't caught up yet, Bob has grown more and more famous thanks to his rapping on SoundCloud. So popular in fact that he has posters on buildings and merch that fans wear and sleep with. Mario puts a finger under his chins as he looks around. "Hmm... there's something different about this place." He calls out. "This is bad," Luigi mutters, then exclaims. "Bob is EVERYWHERE!!" Luigi looks at his brother in fear of this 'Bob attack'. "We gotta go back to the castle and tell everyone!" Mario shrugs. "Why? He's not doing anything wrong.." He has already grabbed a Bob balloon and sunglasses.
"Bob can't have THIS much power, Mario!" Luigi shook his head and turned his body away from Mario. "He'll... He'll..." Luigi stuttered. "He'll do something bad... I know it." As Luigi had his back turned, Mario took a stranger's Bob balloon and floated up into the air. Luigi got all confused and turned his back around to find Mario not there. "Mario?" He called out.
Luigi looked up and saw Mario floating into the sky. Mario waved at his brother, then a flying plane came nearby and crashed into Mario.

We then cut to Bob and Saiko, in bob's Mansion. Bob sat on his throne of gold, looking at his subscriber count on a TV. The count didn't move at all. "God Dammit." He exclaimed, throwing the remote at the TV screen. "Is this thing broken? I haven't seen it go up in a whole minute!!" Saiko was looking out the front window. "Uh... Bob." She stuttered. "I think it's not going up because..." Saiko looked back at Bob, then at the window. "Everyone in the Mushroom Kingdom is already a fan..." Bob got up from his seat and stood on his golden statue. "I don't care!" He yelled. "I want the whole world to know my name!" Bob then yelled even louder but slowly repeated a line. "The whole world!" Saiko put a hand under her chin. "Hmm... you're right!" She exclaimed. "We need to think bigger!" She raised her arms out wide. "We need everyone to notice us!!" Saiko then paused. "I mean you..." She quickly said as she lowered her hands, her head following too. "I think it's time! Time for my ultimate secret weapon!" Bob declared. "Are we going to threaten people?!" Saiko asked, her face growing with evil. "...N..o.." Bob slowly said. "But that's not a bad idea."

Back at the castle, everyone was gathered by the TV. Toad was somewhat far away from the couch, as he was on his phone. Bowser was sitting on the couch, smiling. Boopkins was sitting next to him, being all fine and dandy with his Hatsune Miku body pillow. SMG4 and (Y/N) we're both half asleep next to the couch and on the floor, cuddling up against each other, while Tari and Meggy were a quite distance away from the couch, playing the Nintendo Switch. As everyone was peacefully enjoying their time, Luigi burst through the castle doors, making everyone look at him. "Guys!" He exclaimed. "Guys it's horrible!" Toad looked off his phone in Happiness. "Mario's dead?!" Mario then, unsurprisingly, walks through the door full in Bob's merch. Toad muttered a cuss word. "No!" Luigi exclaimed. "It's bob! He's everywhere!"

Boopkins looked at Luigi in surprise. "Huh?!" SMG4 got up while helping (Y/N) get up too. "So what? The guy's just famous..." SMG4 shrugged. (Y/N) then did some sort of model pose. "You just don't understand the fame life, Weegee." Tari chuckled at (Y/N), then looked at Luigi. "Yeah, I don't get what's wrong..." She shyly stated. "We should be happy for his success." Meggy put her controller down and stood next to Luigi, slyly. "I think somebody's just a little jealous..." Luigi shook his head. "No!" He exclaimed at Meggy. "I'm serious!" Luigi then ran over to Boopkins side, which at the time, Boopkins was having an existential Crisis attack. "Boopkins!" Luigi shook him. "Help me out here!" Boopkins just said some words in gibberish as Tari and Luigi both saw him fall off the couch and onto the ground.

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