삼 (3)

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"Sweetie are you alright?"

Jeonghan's voice snapped Seungkwan out of his daze. He sniffles and touched his cheek, he was surprised to find it wet. He felt embarrased that he cried infront of someone for no reason. He wipes the wetness away.

"Why are you crying Sweetie? Is there something wrong?" Jeonghan asked as Hanuel hops off his lap and went to the stroller again.

"I'm alright hyung, just got a little bit emotional." Seungkwan chuckled wiping more tears that fell. Jeonghan smiled softly then his gaze turned to Jaeyoon.

"How old is she?"

"She's turning two next month" Seungkwan smiled as he watch Hanuel play peek-a-boo with a now fully awake Jaeyoon.

Jaeyoon let out a cute squeal as Hanuel started making funny faces to her. Seungkwan watched the two with a fond smile while Jeonghan stared at Seungkwan. He was curious about something.

"So where's her other father?"

Seungkwan's smile visibly fell upon hearing Jeonghan's question. He turned to the older with a sour look on his face, he tried to cover it with a smile but only ended up looking fake so he stopped trying. Seungkwan cleared his throat and open his mouth to speak but nothing came out.


Suddenly there was a sound of a door opening and closing. Heavy footsteps followed and moments later a rather handsome man came to the living room.

He was wearing a baby blue jean jacket with a white shirt inside. The fitted rip jeans showcased his thick thighs and hugged his legs very well. Even in that jacket Seungkwan could see that the man was fit and hot. The man looked so intimidating and scary yet gentle and kind. Who could he be and how does Jeonghan know him? Maybe a roommate.

"I didn't know we had a visitor" the man said giving Seungkwan a stare down and Seungkwan suddenly felt conscious and intimidated.

"DADDY!!!" Hanuel squealed happily as he ran to where the man is still standing at. The child's sudden loudness startled Jaeyoon who was now tearing up. Her lips trembled and before Seungkwan could do anything, the baby began to cry.

It was Hanuel's turn to get startled, he hid his face on the man's neck and whimpered. The baby's loud cries was scaring the child.

Seungkwan took the baby out of the stroller and to his arms. Jaeyoon nuzzled into Seungkwan's neck, clutching onto her father's shirt. Her cries died down a little but she was still whimpering. Seungkwan continues to gently hush the baby until her whimpers we're reduced to soft mewls.

Seungkwan kissed Jaeyoon's head and gently rubs her back.
The room was silent again. Hanuel had stop whimpering and is now standing infront of Seungkwan.

"Mister i'm so sorry for making your baby cry. I didn't mean to, I was just excited to see my Appa" Hanuel pouted, looking at Seungkwan then down to his feet.

Seungkwan looks down to his daughter to see her fallen asleep again before softly calling out Hanuel's name. Seungkwan placed the baby gently back in the stroller before smiling at the little boy.

"It's okay sweetie. I know you didn't mean to. She's okay now, see? "

Hanuel stood on his tippy toes and peak into the stroller. His eyes widened and he giggled quietly.

"She's sleeping again" Hanuel continued to giggle and Seungkwan just nodded.

"By the way Cheolie, Seungkwan's here to collect the rent. I told him to wait for you" Jeonghan said placing a kiss on his husband's cheek before taking the grocery bags from him and left to the kitchen.

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