삼십일 (31)

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Laughter fills the room with friends just happily chatting and casually but quietly joking around while the kids, all of the kids, are in their nap.

The twins sleeping peacefully in their cots, Haneul all cuddled up beside his mother and little Jaeyoon all bundled on her bassinet that Soonyoung has also managed to bring along despite the rush.

The lunch bentos, all emptied and is now stack neatly at the table. Seokmin and Soonyoung makes the almost silent atmosphere in the room lively enough to spare them the boredom.

Then suddenly all the happy talks turned serious when Mingyu suddenly changed the topic.

"Hyung, your family is getting bigger now, are you sure you don't want to find a new place to live in? I mean, yeah, your apartment unit right now is great, cheap and all but its not big enough especially now that you have the twins. I'm just........I'm just concerned, you know, and worried." Mingyu said with a slight pout.

With a hand softly running through Haneul's mop of brown of hair, Jeonghan smiled. "Well i appreciate your concern and worries Gyu but i assure you that we will be fine, Me and Cheolie will manage just fine with our now three kids in our great, cheap and all, but homey apartment unit."

That seemed to ease the tall man, even for just a tiny bit while Seokmin and Soonyoung just smiled.

Suddenly a whine was heard and the adults immediately turned to the twins' cots and Jaeyoon's bassinet. Jeonghan sighs in relief when he saw that neither of the twins was awakened while Soonyoung tried his best not show franticness as he slowly rush to Jaeyoon's bassinet where he saw the toddler now fully awake and is looking around her surroundings with a frown on her cute chubby face.

Soonyoung didn't know what to do at first because in his mind, just one wrong move and Jaeyoon will surely cry and he doesn't want that to happen, mainly because it will waken the twins thus will make the others in the room frantic.

It was when Jaeyoon's lips began to tremble that Soonyoung made a last minute decision and gently carried the toddler out of her bassinet and into his arms, he started swaying side to side in hopes of delaying the tears and was successful. He then gently sat back down on his previous seat, completely unaware of the looks his friends are giving him.

The toddler was no longer on the verge of tears but rather has a cute toothless smile on her as Soonyoung continues to play with her, making cute weird faces but simply just his hamster like features was enough to entertain the toddler.

"You know hamzi, you'd made a great father." Jeonghan suddenly commented making Soonyoung look up from the child and finally notice the stares on him.

He immediately blushed and in embarrassment didn't comment back, he look down again to see the toddler now trying to bite on his scarf. He chuckled as he gently pulls the scarf away and gives the toddler her pacifier instead.

"By the way Gyu, after you dispose the lunch bentos, can you please tell Seungcheol to come here, i need him to buy something for me." Jeonghan said as he noticed the tall man now placing the bentos in the plastic bags.

Mingyu nodded to his hyung's request, making sure to leave no trash behind, then carries the plastic bags and makes his way to the door when suddenly the door opens and in comes Seungcheol, who still looked like in a daze or something.

"Honey? Hey, are you alright?"

"huh? What?" The older seemed to snapped out of his daze and met his husband's stare at him. "did you say something? honey?"

The long haired male open his mouth to speak when a loud cry interrupted him, he immediately turned to the twins' cots and saw them both fully awake, big brother Seungjae crying his little heart out while little jeonghwa is whining and is on the verge of tears herself.

Seungcheol didn't waste time and went to his daughter, carefully cradling her and began swaying gently side to side, while Seokmin carefully hands a still crying Seungjae to his mother's waiting arms.

As if sensing his mother's warmth, Seungjae's cries gradually quietens down and began softly mewling. Jeonghan finds himself not able to stop smiling as he continues to softly hush the baby.

Seungcheol succeeded in making the baby with him calm down and now he and little jeonghwa sat at the foot of Jeonghan's bed, little jeonghwa staring at her father's face in curiosity while Seungcheol also finds himself not able to stop smiling.

He and Jeonghan caught each other's eyes and they smiled at each other before cute baby gurgles made them break eye contact and back to the twins' in their arms.

Soonyoung stood up and placed Jaeyoon on the bed with the couple. Jaeyoon immediately freed herself and crawled over to Jeonghan who smiled and welcomed the chubby toddler, Soonyoung not once leaving the bedside to keep the toddler from falling off the bed.

A phone beeps and Seokmin exits the game he was playing and tap open the message he just recieved. He almost left his seat when he read the text message.


"Yes Seokminie?"

Seokmin looks up from his phone and met Jeonghan's eyes on him. "Seungkwan just texted me."

"Really? What did he say? Where is he?" Seungcheol joined in as he turned around and caught Seokmin's attention.

"He said they're on their way here."

Seungcheol immediately frowned at that. "They? Who is he with?"

Seokmin shrugged his shoulders and mumbled, "I don't know, he didn't really say."

"Huh, strange" the long haired male hummed before a familiar sound of whines of hunger caught his ears, he looks down and met with a now whiny Seungjae, his tiny hand trying to claw on his mother's chest making the long haired male to blush.

Seungcheol noticed and he smiled. He called Soonyoung's attention and asked the younger to call a nurse. Soonyoung made sure first that Jaeyoon will be fine by herself before complying and left the room.

He returned minutes later with a nurse, the same nurse who had been helping them since the delivery of the twins. She pushed a tray trolley into the room and on the tray are baby bottles and baby formulas with bibs and burp cloths.

The nurse hands each parent a baby bottle of fresh, still warm, milk and the parents feed the twins with ease and soft smiles in their faces. The nurse staying by the bedside in case the couple needs something while Soonyoung takes the chubby toddler and place her back in her bassinet, giving his scarf for Jaeyoon to play with.

After the twins are fed, the nurse proceeded to help the parents to properly burp the twins. Jeonghan burped baby Seungjae with ease while again, Seungcheol had a bit of a hard time because he's scared that he might move jeonghwa in a wrong way.

The nurse happily help Seungcheol and in just matter of seconds, Jeonghwa is in a proper burping position.

"Thank you Jooe" Seungcheol thanked the nurse who just bowed in response.

Just then the door bust open and two familiar men rushed in. Jeonghan couldn't help but feel relieved to see the person who walked in but the other person earned confusion due to his unexpected presence.

"Oh Kwannie! Finally! You're here!"

"Vernon? What are you doing here?"

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