사십이 (42) - EPILOGUE

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Seungkwan had always thought that it was just gonna be him and Jaeyoon for the rest of their lives, that no one other that their close friends was gonna be a part of their family and he was already contented with it being like that.

He didn't expect a certain caucasian male to come in his life and even in just a short amount of time, they fell in love with each other. He thought nothing further than that.

But when the past came rushing back to him and he found out that the caucasian male was his daughter's biological father, his mind went haywire and he almost let emotions rule over him.

Who wouldn't be shocked by the discovery they made that day, with the test and a friend's statement verifying the discovery, Seungkwan knew he had to decide what to do and his time to do so was sort of limited.

It was a make or break decision but in the end, Seungkwan decided what's best for his daughter and that is to let Vernon stay and become a part of her life, along the way the two reconciliated and fell deeper, more inlove with each other.

The things that happened for the past weeks was not something Seungkwan had expected, but he sure is glad those things happened because he wouldn't be where he is right now if it didn't.

Currently the blonde sat at the toilet bowl, nervously tapping his feet against the tiled floor, biting his nails as he waits anxiously.

They were supposed to be getting ready to leave to the airport when Seungkwan felt dizzy and wanting to puke and he did the moment he entered the bathroom. A sudden feeling of Deja Vu hits him as he remembers that he had felt the same at his first trimester of pregnancy with Jaeyoon.

Today was the day that Vernon was gonna bring Seungkwan and Jaeyoon with him back to New York for his parents to meet. His parents eventually found where they son were all this time and contacted him. They talked through their misunderstandings and reconciled. Now Vernon's parents are more than excited to meet their future son in law and beautiful granddaughter.

To say that Seungkwan is very nervous with the meeting is an understatement but at the moment the blonde was occupied with something else, possibly more important than meeting his future in laws.

A beeping sound startles Seungkwan out of his thoughts and with shaky legs he stood up and went to the sink where the test sticks are. The beeping stops and Seungkwan picks up the test sticks, gasping as he sees the result. All showing the same thing.


Feeling his eyes welled with tears, Seungkwan placed the test sticks down and lets out a shaky breath before letting out a loud sob. He heard his boyfriend calling his name from outside and began knocking furiously when he heard him crying. Worry filled his voice as he continues to call for his boyfriend.

When unsuccessful, Vernon cursed silently and began searching the bedroom for the bathroom key. Minutes later he found it by the dresser and rushed to open the door, just hearing his boyfriend cry worries him greatly.

He mentally cheered when the door was finally unlocked and he practically burst into the room, saw his boyfriend leaning against the sink, tears running down his chubby cheeks that Vernon loves other than his butt.

"Boo why are you crying? What's wrong? Are you hurt? Are you in pain? Boo, please tell me," while it was flattering to recieve that affection and concern from his boyfriend, Seungkwan couldn't help but chuckle through his tears to which the caucasian was confused about.

"Why are you laughing? What's so funny? Ah, i was being serious," Vernon pouted and Seungkwan just chuckles again.

The blonde wipes his tears away but the smile remained, then he takes Vernon's hand and placed the three test sticks on it. Still confused, Vernon looks down at what his boyfriend gave him and saw test sticks.

Three pregnancy test sticks to be exact and it all read.....Positive.

Vernon stared at the test sticks in shock and felt himself teared up, he met his boyfriend's eyes on him and he knew his facial expression was saying 'Really?' To which the blonde nodded with a smile. Soon the caucasian broke into a smile and engulfs his boyfriend in a tight hug, practically shouting in joy while Seungkwan just chuckled at his boyfriend's excitement.

Vernon pulls away from the hug and cupped both of Seungkwan's cheeks, then leans forward and plants a sweet kiss on the blonde's lips. They break the kiss but not pulling away from each other, their forehead now touching and their noses softly brushing.

"Thank you so much Boo, this makes me so much happy i think i might explode. I have been wishing for this ever since and now its here, my wish came true and.....and I'm so lucky to have you in my life and i can't imagine life without you and our two kids, I love our kids and I love you so much," Vernon gave another peck on the lips and when he pulled away he noticed the blonde cutely scrunching his nose.


"You're not going to propose to me here, in the bathroom, right?"

Verno chuckled at that and pulls the other male closer to him by the waist," As much as i want to propose to you right now, This is not the right place for that 'cause this is a bathroom,"

"Though so," the blonde said in a sassy way as he leans closer and rested his head on the caucasian's shoulder. And they stayed like that for a while until a thought came to Vernon.


"Mmm yeah?"

Vernon looks down and saw a now sleepy Boo nuzzling his face deeper on his shoulder, he couldn't help but smile at that.

"How are we gonna tell Jaeyoon about this?"

Instead of answering, Seungkwan only hummed and a small yawn was heard, Vernon takes that as his que to bring his boyfriend back to the bed, a nap is fine since their flight is still in three hours.

Vernon adjusted his body and when in the right position, he carefully lifted the blonde bridal style and left the bathroom. He walks into their bedroom and carefully laid down his boyfriend, tucking him in the fluffy duvet before going to his side of the bed and decided to join the brunette for a nap.

He got under the duvet and Seungkwan immediately, despite in a very sleepy state, went in for a cuddle to which the caucasian male openly accepted. Vernon reached for the nightstand and turned off the light and just as he was about to doze off, Seungkwan spoke.

"Our Princess will love the baby." He said in a soft voice followed a another cute yawn.

Vernon sighs and kissed the blonde's head.

"I'm sure she will."

To be continued..............💗

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