삼십칠 (37)

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"Haneul please enough with the cookies, we'll be having dinner soon"

"Hyung i can't find Seungjae's shoes!"

"It's under the bed, i think?"

"Headlines! Headlines!"

"Vernon enough with the wine already!"

"The Turkey is burning!"

"Cheolie, It's Not A Turkey!"

"Mommy, a giant puppy is chasing me!"

"Mingyu! Go back to the kitchen and finish the lamb skewers! "

"Why are we all shouting?!"

Seungkwan stood at the door, just watching the mess happening with amusement, one hand carrying Jaeyoon's bassinet while the other on his hip. He could see Jeonghan and Mingyu working side by side as they rush to finish dinner, Seungcheol is nowhere in sight, Jun is snoring quietly at the couch, he had drank many wine and eventually loss the bet against Minghao who was sat at the loveseat, randomly scrolling on his phone with another glass of wine yet he still looked pretty much sober.

Vernon, who had much wine, sat at the kitchen counter. Jeonghan had switched his wine glass to a mug of coffee for him to drink instead so he can sober up and it was slowly working, he takes a sip and glanced at the door, almost choking when he saw Seungkwan and Jaeyoon.

But before he could even stand up and go to the man, a shirt was thrown on his face, completely covering his view of his family, he whines and takes the shirt off his face and was met by Seungcheol.

"Change Up" the older said before leaving him alone. Vernon pouted, not seeing his family anywhere anymore, he stood up and left to the bathroom.

Meanwhile, Seokmin finally found baby Seungjae's shoes and now he stood proudly at the foot of the bed, the twins laying on the bed. Fully dressed and ready to attend their welcome dinner, he's quite proud of himself getting the twins ready without any help from anyone.

He really does make a good babysitter, that's what Jeonghan told him. Suddenly, the thought of being a father came to his mind and he lets out a sad sigh, that's not happening any time soon.

Atleast, until he finally finds someone worth it of loving..........maybe the man he met in the elevator few days ago......maybe.

Sighing, Seokmin replaced the sad smile with a bright one, he takes his phone out of his coat jacket and took a few snaps of photos of the twins. After that, he carefully set the twins in the bassinet that they have to share temporarily while waiting for the other baby stuffs to be delivered.

Packing a just-in-case-of-anything bag for the twins, Seokmin was finally done and carefully carried the twins out of the room.

Seungkwan sat down on the vacant couch and placed the bassinet by his feet, Minghao who noticed the two, immediately smiled and took Jaeyoon out of the bassinet and into his lap. Seungkwan then noticed the now snoring loudly Jun on the other couch.

"Your boyfriend's drunk af" the brunette chuckled, "what happened?"

And so Minghao told the brunette the tale of how the older chinese man confidently challenged him in a bet and how stupid he looked when at the four glass, he already lost. The brunette also noticed that the younger chinese man didn't bother denying the fact that Seungkwan called Junhui his boyfriend.

"I'll go make him some tea, mind if I bring this little princess with me?" Minghao smiled as he lifts Jaeyoon and make her stand on his lap.

Seungkwan nodded with a smile, "Yeah sure, just be careful, she has quite the grabby hands"

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