이십 (20)

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"I can't believe you let Jaeyoon go with that man. I thought you didn't trust him"

Seungkwan takes a sip of his tea before turning to his older but close friend, Soonyoung, who had been nagging him for the past hour now.

He's apparently not that happy with his friend's decision.

"Correction hyung, I didn't let my daughter leave with that man. Jeonghan hyung asked me for permission to have my daughter stay with them in their apartment for the rest of the day and Jeonghan hyung is no stranger now is he?" Seungkwan smiled smugly as he just got his point proven and now a pouty Soonyoung.

"Still. I don't trust that man. What was his name again? Vermin?"

"It's Vernon" Seungkwan chuckled while Soonyoung just scrunched his face in distaste.

"Whatever. I still think you should not trust him. I smell something suspicious about him" Soonyoung said narrowing his eyes. Seungkwan just stared at his hyung in disbelief and amusement.

Just then they heard the front door open and close before loud pants and groan followed. Seungkwan turned just in time to see a sweaty Seokmin walking into the living room.

Seokmin plops down on the loveseat and lets out a loud sigh.

"Who chased you?" Soonyoung said in a joking manner. Seokmin caught the joke and he playfully glared at his friend.

"I got scolded" Seokmin said letting out a quite dramatic sigh.

"Scolded by who? What did you do?"

Seungkwan left to the kitchen and came back with an iced cold water. He hands it to Seokmin who thanked him and gulped down the water in matter of seconds but didn't stop there and started eating the ice cubes like it was a candy.

A habit that the three of them have in common.

"Seungcheol hyung scolded me because i didn't came on time. Then i lost one of the baby bottles' lid and then the paper bag got crumpled and...and one of the bibs got stained!......Ah! So Annoying!" Seokmin exclaimed, falling back on the loveseat with a dramatic loud sigh.

"Don't let Seungcheol hyung hear you say that or else he'll smack you" Seungkwan said smiling teasefully and Seokmin just cutely scrunched his nose in distaste.

Suddenly there was a loud ringing and Seungkwan turned to see Soonyoung smiling down on his phone. It was still ringing and the brunette wonders why his friend haven't answered it yet.

"Aren't you gonna answer it?" Seokmin asked.

Soonyoung just shook his head, still smiling like an idiot before finally answering the call. Meanwhile Seokmin pops another ice cube into his mouth.

"Hey. How is my babycakes doing?"

Seokmin almost choked on the ice cube while Seungkwan was utterly shocked. The two exchanged looks, both looking bewildered as their friend just continues to talk whoever it was the called him.

"Awwww Babycakes. Don't worry, I'll be home soon–wait now? Are you serious? Okay—Babycakes listen to me. Just message me everything you want and I'll go buy them for you now. Okay Babycakes? Good. Take care of yourself. Yes I love you too, so much. Okay bye bye. See you soon."

Still smiling wide, Soonyoung ends the call and hugs the phone to his chest. He lets out a sigh and he just sat there looking like a lovestruck puppy because he was. His eyes sparkled and he could feel his heart thumping loudly in his chest.

His babycakes never fails to make him feel like that. So In love and So flustered.

Soonyoung would've drowned in his lovestruck headspace if it weren't for someone clearing his throat loudly, successfully snapping him out of his lovedaze.

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