이십오 (25)

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Loud music was heard from the distance as Seokmin takes a right turn off the road and to the busy night street of Seoul. His passengers more than giddy and excited as ever. And as the closer they get to the club, the more anxious they get.

It's been months, a year even, since the three men had hang-out and it mostly because of their busy schedules that hinders them from having fun but now that they have a decent amount of free time in their hands, to the club they went.

Soonyoung sat at the passenger seat, blasting SHINEEs new album on his earphones, practically dancing on his seat while Seungkwan was just randomly scrolling on his phone.

The loud music was now, well loud, as the car comes to a stop. The engine died down and all three friends practically rushed out of the car and ran in the club. The scent of Alcohol, Sweat and Vodka immediately assaulted them and as they walk further into the club, the stronger the scent felt.

Eventually they found a table and in no time have ample amount of vodka shots and beers all over their table. They didn't order any food because it will only end up being vomited away and none of them wants that.

Half an hour into drinking, half of the vodka shots are already empty.

"Hyung, just out of curiosity," Seungkwan began, hiccups twice before clearing his throat, " how did you afford that big mansion? Isn't that like super expensive or something?" And another hiccup.

Among the three men, the youngest is the closest to being wasted because not only was he drinking non stop at the moment but also had a couple glass of wines before they left the mansion. His friends understood that he only wants to have fun and so they let him.

"I'm curious as well," Seokmin added, the said man being only one sober among the three. It was supposed to be Soonyoung who will stay sober but ended up being Seokmin instead because the oldest was second to Seungkwan on being closest to being wasted.

"Me and Jihoonie worked hard to buy that house. We gave everything. Blood, Sweat and Tears. Everything. Jihoon was working as a part time music producer when we were still in medschool but when he quited school like me, he became a full time music producer. Because like me, he also had a different passion, " Soonyoung paused to take a drink then continues, " At first he was just a not famous, very local music producer, small artists paid him to make music for them. One day, a big talent company heard one of his songs and as quick as snap of a finger, he became the most saught after and highly paid music producer all through Seoul. I'm so proud of my babycakes."

"Then there's me. As you know my real passion is dancing, so i went and got a job as dance instructor at a small dance studio in Gangnam. It was also a small pay but since i loved dancing, i stayed. And my hardworks payed off eventually when a big talent scout company saw me dancing at a school program and hired me on the spot. Couple of months later, i got promoted as the companies lead resident choreographer and got paid as much as Jihoon was making."

"And the house?"

Soonyoung smiled as a beautiful memory came flashing into his mind, "the first time we saw that house, we were on our way home from a client meeting and we saw the house a few blocks from the client's house. It was love at first sight really. Then Jihoon went online and found out that the house was for sale. We checked how much it was and we didn't hesitate to buy, we didn't care that it was expensive. Because what mattered more is how much we loved the house,"

Seokmin raised his beer bottle into the air and screams at the top of his lungs.

"Let's cheers to that!"

Couple of hours passed and his two friends were already wasted while Seokmin did a good job staying sober.

"I'll just go to.....the bathroom," hiccupping twice, Seungkwan clumsily stood up, almost knocking down the table and already left before Seokmin could stop him.

It was not safe wandering around the club without having someone with you and Seokmin was about to follow their maknae when his phone vibrated and a message pops up. He read the message and his eyes widen in shock, he pocketed his phone without replying and began pulling a drunk Soonyoung with him to the exit.

"But what about Kwannie?" Asked the squinty eyes man.

"I'll go back for him later, right now we have an emergency"


Seungcheol has been nervously tapping his fingers on the driver's wheel for the minutes now and it was slowly irking the caucasian sitting in the passenger seat. The car has been parked a block from the club but neither of them making a move.

"Hyung, if you really wanna go back to Jeonghan hyung that bad, then go, I'll be fine on my own." The caucasian then began unbuckling his seat belt and got out of the car, the older just wordlessly watching him.

"A-Are you sure? I mean, I can stay if you want?" The older insisted but his eyes said otherwise.

The caucasian male notices that and sighs, leans down and peeks from the half opened window.

"Yes hyung, I'll be fine. "

"But how will you get home? Do you need me to pick you up?"

"Uh No, I can myself hyung really.  I appreciate your concern, so much. I'm there's plenty of buses or taxis around here," Vernon smiled a reassuring smile towards the older who accepts it and smiled back with gratefulness.

"Thank you so much Nonie," Seungcheol, the moment they left the apartment block, hasn't stop worrying about his husband and all kind of unnecessary thoughs came running through his mind that made him felt unease.

So he was very grateful to have a very understanding friend as Vernon.

"Be careful on your way home hyung!" The caucasian called as he began walking towards the club, hands shoved inside his pockets.

Seungcheol stayed at the driveway for a couple of minutes, waiting until his friend disappeared inside the club and he began pulling out of the driveway and started driving down the road leading back to the apartment block.

Not long after he came accross a red light and just then his phone from the dashboard began ringing loudly. Concern and worry immediately filled within him as he answered the call.

A sinking feeling on his stomach he felt as he hears the familiar sounds of sirens and Seokmin's frantic voice in the background.

"Hyung meet us the hospital, NOW!"

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