오 (5)

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After spending almost an hour dealing with the deadly smell and the stupid contraption called diaper, Mingyu finally came out of the bathroom with a freshly cleaned toddler and the tall man can finally breathe in some fresh clean air after being trapped in the bathroom with that godforsaken smell.

He walked into the living room and saw his bestfriend sitting on the couch watching a drama on the TV. He sat down on the couch and placed the toddler down on the playmat infront of him. The toddler immediately took interest of a plastic toy horse and started playing with it.

Mingyu leaned back on the couch and closed his eyes. Only the sound of the TV and Jaeyoon's baby sounds can be heard, it was almost silent in the whole apartment and without awareness, Mingyu fell asleep.





"MINGYU WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Mingyu's eyes fluttered open in shock and he looks around frantically. Heart beating fast for being awoken abruptly.

A burst of laughter errupted, Mingyu turned his head and there his bestfriend stood laughing at him. He glared at Seungkwan who just continued laughing.

He sat up properly and checked the time on his wristwatch. It was already half past three in the afternoon and Mingyu was supposed to go somewhere but he was already late. He'll just have to conjure a believable explanation for when his father asks him why he didn't go to where he was supposed to go an hour ago.

Seungkwan eventually stops laughing and he went to the kitchen. He came back to the living room with two tall glasses of fruitshakes. He hands Mingyu the pineapple flavoured shake and took the apple flavoured shake for himself. Mingyu thanked Seungkwan as he sat beside him.

Mingyu looks around the living room and slightly frowned when he didn't see Jaeyoon anywhere.

"Where's Jaeyoon?"

Seungkwan placed his glass down on the coffee table. "Jeonghan hyung came here an hour ago and took Jaeyoon out with them to go shopping. They'll probably be back here before dinner"

"Looks like Jaeyoon is gonna have her wardrobe refilled again" Mingyu smiled remembering the first few times that Jeonghan took the toddler out shopping. Jeayoon came back those days with no less than three new dresses, two pairs of princess shoes and other accesories. Jeonghan just loves spoiling the little girl.

Seungkwan had told his hyung countless times already to atleast tone down his spendings on his daughter because even if it was for good intentions, Jeonghan really needs to calm down and just spend his money on their family's own necessities like Hanuel's needs. Jeonghan did promised Seungkwan just that and Seungkwan hopes that his hyung will keep his promise.

"Anyways, Did you do it yet?" Seungkwan smirked, changing the topic from his daughter to the deal that he made with Mingyu.

Mingyu's cheeks turned red as he looks down on his lap and shakes his head no., Seungkwan stared at his bestfriend in disbelief.

"What? Seriously? You haven't done it yet?" Seungkwan almost rambled on with a disbelief on his tone.

Mingyu looks up and pouted at Seungkwan. "I don't think i can do it Kwannie"

"Of course you can, you're just being wimp" Seungkwan laughed. Mingyu glared at his friend and playfully whack him with a pillow.

Seungkwan didn't stop laughing as Mingyu continued playfully whacking him with the pillow. In the midst of their non-violent physical struggles, there was a loud knock on the door.

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