팔 (8)

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Seungkwan just finished changing Jaeyoon's diaper. It was a good thing that he didn't leave the babybag on his apartment, if he did, the situation would be different right now. Seungkwan buttons up Jaeyoon's onesie and held his daughter in arms length.

"Aish you stinky baby" He said playfully scrunching his nose. Jaeyoon burst into giggles before shoving one of her tiny chubby hands in  her mouth. She tried gnawing on her hand and Seungkwan silently cooed at his daughter's adorableness.

He sat Jaeyoon on his hips and started putting the dirtied clothes and shoes in the babybag. It was quite hard since Jaeyoon began squirming on his arms. The toddler wants to be set down on the floor but Seungkwan won't let her and just held her on his hips as he struggles to zip the bag.

Meanwhile, Vernon and Mingyu are now sat at the dining table. Between them sat little Hanuel who was playing games on Vernon's phone much to Jeonghan's annoyance.

Jeonghan is the type of parent that is opposed to exposing young child to technology a.k.a. cellphones. The closes that Hanuel gets to technology is the television and sometimes Seungcheol's laptop. But never did Jeonghan let his son touch an andriod phone. Maybe in five years, when Hanuel is Ten.

Seungcheol left to their bedroom to change out of his work clothes to comfortable ones. Jeonghan was by the stove, stirring some last minute ramen for Vernon.

Seungkwan finally succeeded on zipping the bag up. He slung the bag on his free shoulder and adjusted a now sleepy Jaeyoon on his other shoulder. He checked hisself on the mirror first before turning around to leave but just as he takes one step, he slipped onto something, causing him stumble forward. He stretched his free arm and used the door to break his fall. His body slammed on the door causing a loud thud.

He winced in pain but the pain was immediately forgotten when Jaeyoon began whimpering. He stood up properly, feeling a little panicky as he check on his daughter.

Jaeyoon looks startled and her lips trembled. Her chubby cute cheeks are red and tears threatened to fall from her beautiful eyes. Seungkwan gently placed Jaeyoon's head on his shoulder while one of his hand rubs her back soothingly. He then began humming a soft song as he gently sway side by side.

Seungcheol just entered the kitchen when they heard the loud thud. Mingyu and Vernon shares a confused look while Seungcheol went to Jeonghan. He placed a kiss on Jeonghan's forehead.

"Honey is someone else here?" Seungcheol asked and Jeonghan made a face of realization.

"Oh! I almost forgot about him. Jaeyoon's father is here and he's changing the child in the bathroom right now. Wait, let me go get them." Jeonghan answered. He was about to leave the kitchen when Mingyu blocked his path.

"Gyu what–"

"I'll go check on him. Just finish cooking hyung" Mingyu smiled down at Jeonghan and before Jeonghan could respond, Mingyu already left the kitchen. 

Jeonghan walk back to the stove and did what Mingyu told him to do, to finish cooking Vernon's ramen. Seungcheol just shrugged his shoulders and decided to help his husband, he began setting the table.

Mingyu hears a familiar humming as he approach the bathroom, he knocks gently on the bathroom door. He hears shuffling from the inside and then the door opens to reveal a surprised Seungkwan. He has Jaeyoon cradled on his arms and he held a baby bottle on her mouth. Mingyu raised an eyebrow at his bestfriend.

"What happened?" Mingyu said in a quiet tone as he step in the bathroom. Seungkwan takes a step back until he is leaning against the sink.

Mingyu looks away from his bestfriend to the toddler. Her eyes are half closed and her grip on her bottle loosened until she finally lets go. Seungkwan waited for a minute before gently taking the bottle away.

Mingyu takes the bottle, putting the lid back on before slipping it inside the bag behind Seungkwan.

Seungkwan readjusted Jaeyoon on his shoulder and began gently patting her back until he heard a burp. Seungkwan then re-cradled Jaeyoon, her eyes are fully closed now and her soft breathing is the sign that she had already fallen asleep.

From the sleeping toddler, Mingyu averted his eyes to his bestfriend. Seungkwan's eyes are droopy and it was obvious that he was stiffling a yawn. He was tired and really needed rest.

"Here, let me help you." Mingyu takes the hello kitty baby bag and slung it over his shoulder. He opened the bathroom door and let Seungkwan walk out first before walking out himself.

He locks the door behind him and they started walking back to the living room. Seungkwan is more focused on watching his daughter sleep than paying attention on his path. Mingyu, being a good friend, guided his friend's way.

Seungcheol just placed a caserole on the sink when he saw Mingyu walked pass the kitchen. He called the tall man's name and he slightly frowned when he saw a familiar brunette standing behind Mingyu.

"Where are you two going? Aren't you gonna join us?" Jeonghan asked when he finally notice Mingyu.

Vernon looks up from his phone and stared at Jeonghan in confusion. He turned his head but before he could see who Jeonghan is talking to, he sneezed loudly and it startled Hanuel.

But it wasn't only Hanuel that was startled by Vernon's loud sneeze, Jaeyoon was startled awake by the sudden loudness and she immediately bursts into tears, her loud cries scared Hanuel who left his chair and ran to his father's arms.

Vernon looks around in confusion until he saw a man cradling a baby and was trying to shush the baby. Vernon couldn't see the man's face because Mingyu was standing on the way.

The only thing he can see is the pink beanie on the baby's head and half of the man's body.

Vernon couldn't help but let his eyes trail down from the man's broad shoulders to his plump butt. He unconsciously bit his lip as he shamelessly stared at the man's butt.

Mingyu turned around and his voice snapped Vernon from his trance.

"Hyung we have to go. Jaeyoon is starting to be fussy and–"

"It's okay Gyu. Just go" Seungcheol cuts off the tall man with his words and an understanding smile on his face.

Jeonghan nodded his head in agreement to his husband's words and Mingyu smiled back at them. He thanked the couple and lead his friend and himself out of the apartment.

Vernon pouted because he never got to see the brunette's face but that pout turned in to a smirk when he remembers the brunette's plump butt.

"Hansol stop drooling and start eating your food. Your noodles is gonna get cold"

Vernon just groaned but did as told and ate his dinner.


"Hyung thank you for helping me" Seungkwan said as he close Jaeyoon's bedroom door. He and Mingyu then went to the living room.

"That's what friends are for Kwan" Mingyu smiled as he plops down on the couch while Seungkwan remained standing.

"You wanna stay over hyung? You seemed tired" Seungkwan sat on the loveseat adjacent to the couch.

Mingyu yawned loudly and didn't bother answering his bestfriend as he began snoring softly. Seungkwan mentally rolled his eyes and left the living room, he came  back moments later with a pillow and a blanket.

He placed the pillow on Mingyu's arms and draped the blanket on his friend. He turned off the lights in the living room and was about to leave when he sees Mingyu's phone lit up from where it was on the sidetable.

Being a curious person, Seungkwan takes the phone and made sure his bestfriend remained asleep before typing in the phone password. The phone unlocks and it displayed a newly recieved text message.

Goodnight Son.
Be early tommorow:)

Seungkwan just chuckled and set the phone down back on the side table. He adjusted the blanket on Mingyu before leaving to check on Jaeyoon. He quietly enters his daughter's room and sighed happily when he saw the toddler sleeping soundly. He smiled one last time and left the room.

He went to his own room and laid down on his bed. He sighs deeply and within the minute, fell in a peaceful sleep.

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