십이 (12)

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"How long has she been sleeping?"

After a long tiring day, Seungkwan has finally gotten back to his apartment. Who knew helping his friends reconcile was that tiring. Anyways, when he got home in the apartment, he found Mingyu in the living room waiting for him.

Only the tall man though, his daughter was no where in sight. He was about to ask when Mingyu instead brought him to the toddler's room. There he saw Jaeyoon Sleeping peacefully in her crib.

"For awhile now. I didn't know when you would be coming back so i took the liberty and put her to sleep." Mingyu answered and Seungkwan just hummed in response.

The brunette just stood there, watching his daughter sleep and lets out a big sigh.

"So what happened?" Mingyu asked.

Instead of answering, Seungkwan turned around and left the room. The tall man immediately followed his friend out.

"Did you find Soonyoung hyung? Did they get to talk?" Mingyu questions the brunette as he continues to follow him until they arrived at the kitchen.

Seungkwan immediately started making coffee while Mingyu sat at one of the kitchen island stools.

"We found him and things got a little bit.......nasty"

Seungkwan walks to the kitchen counter and sat opposite to Mingyu.

The tall man lets out a chuckle and shakes his head. "So who punch who?"

Seungkwan gave his friend a look that tells him that the matter was not funny. Mingyu got the idea and let his smile disappear. He cleared his throat.

"Anyways, it doesn't matter who did what to who. They already made up and that's what's important." Setting the mug down on the counter, Seungkwan stared at his friend. His stare made Mingyu feel uncomfortable.


"What happened this morning?"

Mingyu was confused at first on what Seungkwan meant. He tried thinking of the events that happened in the morning but couldn't see which of which was his friend referring to.

Seungkwan mouthed the words our deal and realization came to Mingyu.

The tall man felt flustered all of a sudden. Seungkwan takes a sip off his coffee and raised an eyebrow to his friend.

"Well.......you know" Mingyu mumbled, now turning a shade of red.

"No Mingyu, I don't know"

Mingyu huffed and pouted at his friend while Seungkwan was just smiling at him, he was clearly amused and Mingyu was lowkey annoyed.

"I got scared okay. I-I thought i was ready. I was sure that i was" whined the tall man.

Seungkwan chuckled. "Then what happened? What changed?"

Mingyu pouted even more before laying his head on the counter. He said something but it came out muffled so Seungkwan didn't understand any word his friend said. Seungkwan just smiled before removing one of Mingyu's arms that was covering his face.

He was greeted by a still pouting almost childlike Mingyu.

"If you can't do it then you can back out you know" Seungkwan said with a teasing smile.

Mingyu immediately perked up and vigorously shakes his head no.

"I can do it! I really can! Just.......just me another chance"

"Another chance?" And Mingyu nodded his head once again. Still pouting but now with pleading hopeful eyes.

The brunette lets out a low chuckle before smirking deviously. Mingyu visibly gulped and instant regret came over him.

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