삼십팔 (38)

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The Welcome Dinner went on with no more surprises, nuisances and unwanted scenes, Mingyu has finally recovered from that embarrassing moment and is now busy arguing with Seungkwan, with what? No one knows, but they have been bickering for awhile now and neither seems want to back out any time soon.

That was until Seungcheol gave them a threatening glare and said that if they don't stop arguing, they should just go outside and fight. That had worked to make the two stop bickering and leave each other alone.

The setting is now moved to the living room, the coffee table was removed and the children sat in the middle of the room in the playmat that Seungcheol placed over the carperted floor. The twins still in their bassinet but placed among the kids and Seokmin is keeping eye for anything that can come harm the twins.

The adults occupied the couches and seats surrounding the playmat.

Seungcheol and Jeonghan sat at the couch nearest to the twins, Seungkwan pulled the caucasian and sat at the couch that has a good view of their chubby toddler, Soonyoung has a grumpy Jihoon sat on his lap from where they sit at the loveseat, the small male felt embarrassed sitting at the squinty eyed man's lap but with a pout and puppy eyes from the said man, he eventually gave in but still feeling grumpy about it.

The two chinese men occupied another couch, the younger sitting upright while the older is laid across the couch, whining about his headache while the younger chinese man scolds him for drinking more wine. And Mingyu and Seokmin shared the small couch, the smiley faced man sitting at the seat itself while the tall man sat at the arm rest.

Little Soomi has finally gotten over her shyness and is now happily playing games and toys with Haneul and Jaeyoon. Though she would often be caught by her parents blushing everytime Haneul smiles at her or even just looks at her direction. Soonyoung lowkey ships them.

Jaeyoon stood up and with her chubby legs, runs all the way to her mother and slams herself on her mother's legs, startling Seungkwan but smiles when he saw the chubby toddler smiling a toothed smile at him. Vernon watching the two with pure adoration and love in his eyes.

Confusing Jeonghan and making Seungcheol sigh. The sigh was too loud that everyone noticed it and Vernon met the older's eyes on him. He immediately excused himself, placing a kiss on the brunette's hair and the toddler's forehead, he stood up and heads to the balcony.

Seungcheol pecks Jeonghan on the lips, ignoring the long haired male's questions, and followed Vernon out to the balcony, closing the door behind him so that no one can intrude with their conversation.

Vernon sighs and leaned against the railing, staring at the starry night and sighs again. He felt the older's presence beside him and they just stood there in silence until Seungcheol finally decided to speak up.

"Do i even need to ask what you've chosen?" The older asked.

Vernon chuckled at that, "isn't it already obvious hyung? I choose them. I choose to be with my family"

as he said those words, a feeling of warmth engulfs him and slightly overwhelms him, making him tear up a little but smile with true joy within.

"You chose right Hansol," Seungcheol felt happy too, happy and proud for his bestfriend. Just seeing him being mature and doing the right things, made the older feel like a proud father.

But then Vernon's smile falters a little, "But how will i tell him hyung? How will i tell Boo about......this"

Feeling the happiness being slowly drained out of him and Vernon now starts to feel dejected and a bit scared, "I'm scared hyung."

The older frowned at that but instead of swerving to the negative lane, he floored the gas pedal down the positive lane, "Well, don't be. You didn't do anything wrong so there's no need to be scared."

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