이십구 (29)

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"I can't believe it."

Jeonghan shakes his head while watching Seokmin still pacing back and forth, almost murdering his phone from the continuous typing he's doing.

It was a quiet morning, they just finished eating breakfast and the twins are fast asleep and just as Soonyoung was about to go buy tea for Jeonghan, he asked a question that is now causing a problem.

"Where is Seungkwan?"

Hours had already passed but Seokmin hadn't had luck contacting his bestfriend. Now it's even causing Jeonghan stress which he didn't need right now.

One of the twins, Baby Jeonghwa, became fussy an hour ago and is now cradled on her mother's arms, being fed her milk while her big brother, Seungjae, is still wandering around dreamland. It has become evident that Jeonghwa will be the hard baby to take care of between the twins.

"I really can't believe it" Jeonghan sighs, shaking his head once again. Removing the now empty bottle from a now fully awake Jeonghwa.

Jeonghwa indeed have her mother's beautiful eyes but her smile was completely Seungcheol.

Jeonghan carefully adjusted Jeonghwa and began softly patting her back, smiling when he heard a small cute burp. He recradled Jeonghwa and began playing with her.

"We really didn't mean to leave him hyung. You called me and I panicked and left without thinking–Ah I'm really sorry hyung" Seokmin gives up trying to contact Seungkwan and sat back down on his chair, pouting and staring guiltily towards his hyung.

Now Jeonghan feels a slight guilt as he didn't mean to make Seokmin to feel that way. He was just so worried on what happened to Seungkwan that he almost disregarded his other friend's feelings.

Jeonghwa started whimpering and that gave Jeonghan an idea.

"Seokminie can you please come here?" Trying not to blush from the embarrassing endearment his hyung just used, Seokmin went to Jeonghan's bedside.

Jeonghan leaned forward and carefully transferred Jeonghwa to Seokmin's unprepared arms arms. Though feeling nervous and surpised, Seokmin did his best to properly cradle the baby.

Jeonghwa stops whimpering, as if she knows that she is being held by a different person, began nuzzling her cute button nose on Seokmin's chest. Her actions pulling heart strings on Seokmin and he found himseld cooing and staring at the baby with a loving smile.

The door opened making Jeonghan look away from Seokmin and to the person that entered the room which were Soonyoung and Haneul. The little boy went to the bathroom with Soonyoung as his guardian because Seungcheol won't allow his son to wander alone in the big building.

"Mommy look what Soonie Oppa gave me." Haneul got on the bed and cuddled beside Jeonghan, showing his mother the cute hamster keychain that Soonyoung won at the mini arcade at the kiddie room just down the hall.

"Wow it's so cute. Where are you gonna put it?" Jeonghan asked, ignoring the fact that his son addressed Soonyoung as Oppa once again. No matter how many times they correct the child, he still won't sway away from calling Soonyoung, Oppa.

And no one really knows when or why the kid started calling the older like that.

"Hmmmm Oh I know! I'll put it on my lunch bag then i'll show it off to my friends!" Haneul hugged the key chain to his chest and Soonyoung was in awe.

Then the other baby, Seungjae, began whimpering. Making it known to everyone that he's now awake and hungry. Soonyoung stood up and carefully carried Seungjae out of his cot and went to Jeonghan's bedside.

"Hey sweetie, do you wanna feed your brother?"

"I can?" Haneul gasped cutely, his eyes wide from excitement. Jeonghan nodded and as careful as possible, with the help of Soonyoung, placed Seungjae on his big brother's arms.

Soonyoung then went to get the other baby bottle and gave it to Jeonghan who hands it to his waiting son.

While Jeonghan teaches and guides Haneul on feeding baby Seungjae, The door opened again and in walks Mingyu with many grocery bags in hand.

Mingyu saw the sight, Seokmin and Haneul with the twins, and smiled his canine smile before going to a corner of the room and began preparing their lunch meal.

"Where's Seungcheol, Gyu?"

Mingyu pops a sweet potato on his mouth before giving an answer. " At the Lobby, he told me to go back here first, that he'll just follow after me."

Jeonghan frowned. "He made you return here alone? What was he doing before you left?"

Mingyu began distributing the lunch bento, One for Soonyoung who immediately began eating, Seokmin's was placed on the sidetable behind him as he still have Jeonghwa in his arms. Then to Jeonghan who is still waiting for the tall man's answer.

"I saw him talking with some guy" Mingyu shrugged his shoulders while Jeonghan frowned.

"A guy? Who?" A hint of jealousy was evident in Jeonghan's face and the possessiveness was heard in his tone. Soonyoung stops eating and his gaze went from Mingyu to Jeonghan then to Mingyu again before settling on Jeonghan.

Seokmin also stopped swaying side to side, as Jeonghwa was already asleep, but also to watch the scene unfolding infront of him. The only ones unfazed by what's happening is Haneul who just finished feeding Seungjae and is now yawning, eyes droopy.

Jeonghan saw this and when he takes Seungjae, the child laid down and cuddled onto him, the long haired male smiled when he heard soft snores coming from the child.

Jeonghan made a hand gesture and Soonyoung immediately went to his bedside. He takes Seungjae and carefully laid him back down on his cot.

"Mingyu, What Guy?" The Jealousy is becoming more evident in Jeonghan and the tall man just doesn't understand why his hyung is having that emotion right now.

It felt...............Suspicious.

"I–I don't know who the guy is hyung but i did see a glimpse of his face. He's Handsome and He looks American. I also kinda heard Seungcheol hyung calling the guy by his name." Mingyu was half nervous and half confused.

"What did he call him? Mingyu what's his name?"

Seokmin sighs, carefully placing Jeonghwan back on her cot, before sighing again. "Hyung calm down. You're stressing yourself. What if he's just a friend?"

Seokmin's words seemed to have calmed Jeonghan down and he lets out a deep sigh.

He nodded his head." You're right, I'm just stressing myself. He might just be Seugcheol's officemate. He's nothing i should be stressing about."

Soonyoung and Seokmin smiled at their hyung's swaying back to positive lane while Mingyu was feeling lowkey suspicious but tried his best to hide it behind his canine smile.

"But what IS the guy's name Gyu?"

Soonyoung immediately recieved the are-you-serious look from Jeonghan and Seokmin but Soonyoung just remained clueless. "What?"

Mingyu finished his lunch bento, licking his gravy covered fingers from handling the fried chicken,

"Shua, He called him Shua"

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