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I woke up from the alarm buzzing in my ear, opening my eyes slowly. I looked outside the window, it was kind of dark but I could still hear the birds singing. Half of my face was buried in the pillow I was hugging.

I shifted my body to the other side of the room and moved my head up until my eyes met the alarm that was sitting on the white night stand next to me, looking at it I just wanted to hold it and smash it against the wall but I controlled my anger. The clock said 5:05 AM, why the hell am i awake at this time? My train of thoughts got interrupted suddenly by a message from my reminder.

'Good luck with your first day at the job' I quickly sat down
"What job?" I asked myself rubbing the back of my head. Shifting my legs off the bed looking at the blanket that laid on the floor. All the sudden I remembered the job that I applied for last month and got accepted to.

Wait a second... Im the CEOs assistant !! I quickly get up running to the bathroom to wash my face, then looked at the mirror and wiped my face with the baby blue fluffy towel. I wiggled my eyebrows placing my right hand on the wall next to me.

"Well look at you beautiful, the assistant of the most famous company's CEO." I said blowing a kiss to myself making me laugh at my jerkiness.

I held the pink and white toothbrush that was placed in the cup perfectly with the other blue toothbrush, then held the toothpaste and squeezed it, a little came out making me sigh.
"looks like I need to go shopping today..." I said placing the toothbrush inside my mouth and started brushing my teeth.

Coming out of the bathroom I hurried to the desk and sat down in front of the mirror, then took out my hair brush, and gently brushed my hair.
"time for some makeup" I said opening the drawer, placing a little foundation on my face, put on some blush so I don't look very pale, and lastly took out my hot red lipstick and applied some on my lips.

I got up and went to my closet taking out a grey dress, and wore it quickly. I took out my hot curl and curled the edges of my hair, then wore my hot red high heels and lastly, wore the most important thing, my moms ring that I always wear wherever I go. I opened the door and locked it placing the keys under the mat. Quickly I rushed down the stair to get a taxi but none stopped so I reached a decision to walk before I go late to my first day which cmon, it aint really good lemme tell you that.

As I was walking I looked at the sun that was standing in the middle of the sky, half of it shining like gold causing the sky to glow a mixture of colors. Orange, pink, and light purple. Each color painted very neatly and beautifully on the sky including the fluffy white clouds floating around. The other half hidden behind the tall black buildings, all these small details made the view in front of me look like an expensive painted canvas. The cool breeze hitting my face caused my hair to move slight, I smiled admiring the beautiful arty looking sky.

While looking up I took out my phone from the purse to check the time, I opened the phone but instead of reading the time what catches my eyes was the date making my smile slowly disappear.

I tried getting my mind off of it, and get the negative thoughts off my brain so I walked faster not seeing what was in front of me. Everything blurry, and my eyes filled with tears that I trapped inside of me for years, I am good at keeping them inside and holding them. I just wanted to be alone at that moment remembering the dark memories, and felt like the whole world got black all the sudden. As my negative thoughts took over me slowly like how the grey clouds fill the blue sky in a second I heard a loud wheel screech making me freeze.

I felt as if ice was building up my body, a cold feeling traveled up my spine making me shiver and drop my phone. My face turned all pale, as if my face was filled with colors and all had dropped or got washed away. I looked at the direction the beeping came from and the first thing to see is a black Mercedes- benz in front of me, all windows black making it hard to show the person driving the car, it was 3 inches far from me, and I could feel the heat radiate from it on my body.

"Are you crazy!" A mans voice came from inside the car, the cars door swings open and I see a foot coming out following the other. A tall man appears coming out of the car slamming the door shut. He was wearing a really neat black suit with a dark red tie, his hair was soft looking and its color was black like most of the people here. He took off his glasses and came towards me.

"I could've killed you and took responsibility of your stupidity! what are you blind or something the crossing light was red!!" The man screamed at my face, and at the moment he started calling me stupid names, and kept going off on me watching profane words come out of his lips, I snapped.

"You rich people think your all this and that living your life perfectly without even working hard for anything!! Who the heck do you think you are to scream at me like that asshole!!!" I screamed back looking up at him, my eyes met his. He got the dangerous but soft gaze on his eyes, and got a really unique eye shape making it easy to grab peoples attention, my eyes glanced down at his puffy plumped pink lips although I got to be honest is what grabbed my attention the most and I'm pretty sure others too.

"No actually who are you to scream at me like that, do you even know who I am" The jerk said looking down at me, god I hate it when people say that like its gonna change the fact that they're just spoiled brats. I took a deep breath looking up at the sky before I loose my mind on this guy, then nodded my head and smiled.

"You are nothing but a worthless piece of shit" I said and looked at my phone that was faced down on the ground right next to his shiny expensive looking dressy shoes, then kneeled down and picked it up. I glanced back at him and smirked when I saw the confused look on his face and left before he says anything else.

Making sure he was far away from me I ran behind a wall and leaned back against it, my whole body still shaking like there was an earthquake happening but just underneath me. I took a deep shaky breath, long and sorrow, then gathered myself up and looked at my phone. Everything was cracked so I barely saw anything but for sure I'm gonna be late.

"Man, those looks on his face should belong to a charming prince not a jerk like him what a sad thing." I exclaimed sighing and shaking my head, looking behind to see if there was anyone there that saw what just happened. Thankfully no one was there just a few people coming out of their houses.

My legs were a little bit shaky but better than before, I went to a public bathroom to fix how I looked and applied some lipgloss on my pale white lips that made me look sick and walked out of the bathroom. The first thing i saw was the company, 'Park Enterprises' was written very big on the building, two guards standing in front of big glassy doors and as I walk in, I take a deep breath.


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