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It is 7:29 PM and Im finally going home, ever since the jerk went inside his office I never saw him which was a relief. This whole day I was waiting for someone to come and tell me I'm fired, but surprisingly no one came.

I got up and cracked my knuckles taking my bag, then brushed my fingers in my hair to make my hair look neater. My ass felt solid since I was sitting down all day working on the computer, and the old assistant comes back and keeps going, I guess shes a busy women.

Walking over to the elevator, I pressed on the button that had a red arrow pointing down on it. I got inside and the door was closing until a hand reached inside blocking it from closing, and a familiar man came inside the elevator smiling. It was the guy who stood up from in front of the computer, I looked at him and smiled watching him situate his body adjacent to me.

"Hey.." the guy said smiling at me. He was a little taller than Mr. Park, and had a light brown hair, his eyes were traced into a an eagle shaped eye which was very attractive.

"Hello" I said smiling back.

"Oh- sorry I didn't introduce myself. I'm Jae-eun" He said lending his hand for me to shake it, he looked like he was older than me so for respect I replied with;

"Nice to meet you subaenim" I held his and hand and shook it smiling, then placed the other hand under my arm and bowed a little, this is a way of showing respect to someone who is older than you.

He laughed at me and shook both of his hands at me and I smiled confused.

"I don't think I'm older than you, how old are you?" He said still laughing.

"22..." I said embarrassed, and his laugh stopped.

"Never mind I am older than you, I'm 24" He said rubbing the back of his head and I laughed at his reaction.

"But I don't like it when people call me that, you can just call me by my name" He said smiling.

"Ok, Jae-eun" I said smiling and he smiled too, when I looked over at him I noticed a faint shade of pink on his cheek, and he was blushing. This boy is shy.

The elevator door finally opens which seemed like forever, both of us get out and talk about some random stuff. We went out of the company and he offered me a ride home but I thanked him and said I cant.

I walked over to the bus station and sat down on the bench waiting for it to come. I put both of my hands on the bench and start swinging my feet up and down, then looked at my ankle bracelet and smile remembering Angel. She gave me this cute bracelet on my 18th birth day when we first came here, and ever since then I kept wearing it.

A vehicle stopped in front of me, and I thought it was the bus until I saw the car I saw earlier. The car's window opens and I see the jerk, Mr. Park was smiling at me for no reason at all which bothered me so much.

You know I should start calling him mr. Jerk not mr. Park.

"Come on, I'll give you a ride home" He said looking at me, one of his hand was on the wheel while the other ran through his hair. When he did that, I got a weird ass feeling in my stomach like fluttering.

"No thank you daepyonim, my bus will be here in a minute" I smiled shifting my gaze back on the bracelet.

"I didn't ask you, I'm telling you to come inside" he exclaimed.

Aish so annoying, is he dumb or something or did he forget about what happened earlier

I smiled and got up opening the door in the back. The cars door was kind of heavy, and the glass is even darker than in the morning now since its night time. I got inside the car and sat down near the window, and the car from the interior looks even better than the exterior. Glancing at him I noticed that he was looking at me from the mirror, then he looked away quickly.

"Why are you sitting there?" He asked looking at me.

"You told me you were going to drive me home" I said looking back.

"No, I meant why are you sitting in the back making me look like your driver, sit down here" He said patting the chair next to him.

"Oh, sorry.." I said getting up opening the cars door. I step outside of the car and sit down on the passengers seat.

He starts the car and starts driving. The atmosphere was very awkward, and I wanted to break down the tension between us and talk to him, maybe he's actually a good guy you never know.

I looked over at him, his jaw line is hella sharp that if I touch it, it might cut my finger. Was I over- exaggerating, well sorry but it's true. His eyes were focusing on the road. His side view is so darn sexy though, I gotta admit. I noticed then a curve forming its way up his lips.

"What am I too handsome that you can't get your eyes off me" He said laughing. I noticed myself looking at him for more than 5 minutes and I got embarrassed.

"No, theres a bugger on your cheek and its bothering me" I said coldly trying not to sound sheepish, looking at him with a poker face.

"W-what?" He said looking at me rubbing his cheek with a tissue.

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