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This felt like it was the longest run I had ever ran through my whole life, this guy was jumping and sprinting in front of me like a horse. Shouting and screaming sir multiple of times breathlessly but this guy won't stop, he ran through the hallway and then stopped in front of the door slamming it open. I shut my eyes and sighed in annoyance, aish, the man shouted Mr. Parks name, and I came in apologizing, but luckily the room was empty. The guy ran to Mr. Park and he motioned for me to get out, and so I did. I got out of the meeting room and started waving my hands around my face, trying to fan myself, then I went back to my desk and sat down.

I opened up my computer and started doing my work, then a hand tapped my computer making me look up at the owner of the hand. It was ------- and he was smiling at me, today he looked real good tho. Like real good. He was dressed in a dark navy shirt, tucked inside of his black Jean's and a black simple, yet attractive looking belt. His eyes twinkled and sparkled when they looked at me, or basically anyone or anything else. Which I found adorable.

"Well hello missy, arent you gonna go and get yourself some food. Its break time now, come on man stop working so hard!" He said and laughed a bit.

I chuckled but I shook my head and told him I had to get some papers done for Mr. Park, he whined and whined and kept whining telling me that I never stop and take breaks. Well.. he is kinda right about this, but it's not because someones pressuring me to do it. It's just myself, and I'm kind of hard on myself so I like getting stuff done, it helps me relax a bit. I had a lot of work to get done too, so I had to stay, especially after that one hour rest I got because of the stupid panic attack that rushed on me and choked me with her stupid ugly hands. He asked me if at least I can go with him to eat, but I kindly denied. He whined again, and I laughed since he's a grown man yet he still acts like he was some 5 year old. I the sighed because he really looked sad, and so I got up and said "ok ok fine, let's go.. but I'll only give u 10 minutes of my time no more!" And he proudly and excitedly said yes ma'am almost shouting it. I laughed again, this guy never fails on making me laugh.

I got up and started walking towards the elevator, and he trotted behind me then came next to me and matched my pace. He then reached out his finger and pressed on the button of the elevator, then leaned against it looking at me, smiling. I smiled back of course.

"Oh yea, I have a question.. where were you the past hour or so..?" He asked running his hand through his hair.

"Oh, well.. let's just say that iiii goottt buusssyy...." my voice got high pitched at the last parts, a sign I give which means I'm telling a lie. And that's why I suck at lying :"D.

His eyebrows crashed, and he wrapped his arms together and stared me down. I looked away whistling, and just the moment he opened his mouth to ask another question or say something about knowing that I'm lying, the elevator door opened and he stumbled back and yeeted on the floor. A small yet loud enough thud to make a person 1 mile away from me hear followed, and I looked at him and gasped, trying my best not to laugh. He groaned and placed his hands on his butt rubbing it, and I went inside and knelt down in front of him trying not to laugh hard, and somehow managed to say are you okay. He nodded his head groaning, then I couldnt help it and started wheezing. I accidentally snorted from how much I laughed then sat down on my ass slapping him and my thighs just laughing my ass off, anyone can hear me from how loud I was. He looked at me and started cracking up too from my snort and laughter. People passed by us judging us yet still laughed, but we didnt even care and we kept on laughing. I shedded some tears and tried to take a breath, and of course laughing everytime I took a breath. He got up dusting his ass area, then gave me his hand still chuckling a little. I held it and got up also chuckling and sniffing.

We looked at each other and started cracking up again, and the elevator door was closing until a hand reached inside of it which made it open. There we both looked still laughing, expecting our coworkers to come inside, but it wasn't them. Oh I wish it was.. it was Mr. Park *dramatic scary music plays* the king of darkness, the evil king whom likes to see people getting tortured and killed slowly, thus ha- no I shouldnt be saying this, this man just helped me I'm so mean. We slowly stopped laughing, every chuckle fainted one by one looking at him, there he was standing in front of us. His hands inside of his black tuxedo pants, though his eyes weren't shown, because he wore glasses, I can still feel them piercing through us. Both of us coughed and greeted Mr. Park, then he came inside and squeezed himself in between of us, almost glaring at ----- but he smiled at him.

"So I heard y'all laughing" he spoke after pressing which floor he was going to.

"This dumbass fell on his as-" I quickly stopped talking before embarrassing myself, after all im LITERALLY TALKING TO MY BOSS.

—— smiles at me and whispered, "wAtcH yoUr pRofAniTy"

I quietly laughed slapping him lightly. Mr. Park took off his glasses, and glanced at mr coldly. I can feel them just burning through my body which made me quickly shut up, it looked very threatening, but I got to be honest it was hella seductive. I coughed.

"You guys the

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