Ramen Is The Best

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I finally got out of his car after a long time of complete silence and awkwardness, then thanked him and walked over to my apartment as I was hearing him drive away. I walked up the pitch dark stairs hesitant, breathing heavily. Then quickly opened my flash light to see what was in front of me, everything was so dark and quite which creeped me out. Suddenly a hand dropped on my shoulder holding it, and I quickly turned around screaming and punched whoever was behind me making them groan.

"Ouch! What the fuck?!" Angel said still groaning, I put my flashlight on her and she had both of her hands on her stomach then lifted one up blocking the flashlight from getting through her eyes.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry!!" I said gasping while covering my mouth, trying to keep in the laughter.

She shook her head at me and walked towards our apartment and went inside, I laughed so hard that my laughter filled the whole building. I went inside and wiped the tear that wasn't even there, and looked over at Angel that was glaring at me.

"Sorry sorry its just so funny" I said trying to calm myself down.

"It's- it's fine just stop laughing or I will smack you" she said rubbing her stomach frowning.

"Ok ok" I said inhaling all the oxygen in the room.

"So, how was work, and who was that who just dropped you outside?" She asked looking at my dress and she smiled.

"Horrible." I stated plopping down on the comfy couch that was placed next to her.

"What? Why, what happened?" She asked coming closer to me curiously.

"Well... If I tell you, don't overreact ok?" I asked so she doesn't worry too much about it.

"Ok ok tell me!!" She asked looking intensely at me.

I took off my heels and told her everything that happened earlier to me, and she just sat down there in front of me all quite mouth open. She then started wheezing for no reason at all, and I thought she would get worried about me. What a great sister I have.

"How was he?? Is he good looking and sexy!" She asked smiling.

"I mean kind of I don't know- why are you asking that shouldn't you be worried about me?" I asked puffing my cheeks and she squished them.

"You look fine to me sweetie" she said smiling.

"I hate you" I said smacking her hand.

"I love you too" she said.

I got up afterwards and she started following me around asking me about him, but I replied with nothing but 'he's a jerk' and she kept groaning because I wasn't listening to her. I walked over to the kitchen and looked for some food to eat, because I was starving, then opened the cabinet and found two cups of ramen.

"Eh good enough" I said holding the cups "Do you want some?!" I continued screaming at Angel.

"yaaass" she said grabbing the kettle.

She held the two ramen cups and boiled some water. I helped her by opening the cups and putting seasoning on top of it, she got the water and poured it on the cup, then closed on it. Both of us sat down on the chairs and waited bored.

"Should I quit?" I asked thinking about it, hand on my left cheek.

"Hah, you wish. You already got fired 3 times and quitted 5 times thats enough, we need the money." She stated with a serious face, and I sighed agreeing with her.

The ramen got ready, and we both started eating while discussing some stuff. I looked over at the clock and it was already 9:30 PM so I had to go inside and sleep. I got up and went to the trash can and threw it inside and Angel was still eating, then she called for me and so I went to her.

"Wassup" I said standing in front of her, and she looked at me.

I looked into her eyes and the look in them broke me, 'cause they spoke of everything, they revealed the broken up little memories. The good and bad moments we've been through.

"Are you ok..?" She spoke, her words came out sorrow.

"yea.." I said giving her a crooked smile.

"are you sure...? Are any of the memories flashing back of the ti-" I cut her off by saying I have to go to sleep and I wasn't feeling good and she said ok smiling faintly at me, telling me goodnights.

I walked to the bathroom and closed the door behind me, then leaned against it wiping the tears on my cheeks looking up at the ceiling above me. I turned my head to the mirror next to me and looked at myself, frowning.

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