The Jerk

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I quickly put down the picture Frame and look up to find him. I stood up and bowed even when I didn't want to, coldly stared at him and faked a smile making him come towards me.

"Im a piece of shit huh?" He asked smirking at me, making me want to punch the fuck out of him.

"No, of course not. Who said?" I sarcastically said, giving him a pure look. Yes you are a fucking piece of shit.

"Oh, so now I'm not?" He said placing his hand on my desk, picking up picture frame of me and Angel.

"Who is this cutie?" He asked looking at her smiling. That fucking jerk is touching my photo frame he better stop before I break his hand, not only that he is fucking checking out my sister.

I didn't say anything but held my grip really hard, trying my best not to punch this little dumbass, trying not to get fired. Though there is a high doubt that I am getting fired anytime.

He put down his hand and set the picture frame back to its place, I tried not to give him the annoyed look but failed to, making him laugh. He stretched his hand on the table towards the photo frame of me and my mom, almost touching it, and I could not handle it but let my angriness beat me. At that moment I didn't give a damn if I'm getting fired, I just didn't want him touching that precious photo that had a lot of memories in it. I held his hand really hard before he touched it and death glared him.

"Don't touch it" I said coldly looking directly at him, my eyes flaming fire. His smile drops and he quickly snaps his hand off mine. Have I not mentioned how much I hate it when people I don't like touch my stuff? No? Well there you go. This how much I hate it when people do that.

"Do you realize what you did right now?" He said rubbing his arm "apologize." he added.

"No. I don't apologize to people disrespecting my privacy" I said sitting down ignoring him by looking at my computer screen, pretending to work on something waiting for him to leave. Eh im fired anyways. He didn't leave so I looked up at him and smiled.

"Can I help you daepyonim?" I asked politely, ignoring the fact that I probably just hurt him right now. He had no expression on his face what so ever and left not saying anything. After he went inside I wheezed at the expressions on his face.

I continued on putting my stuff on the desk and felt the phone buzzing in my bag. I took it out and looked at the cracked screen, everything so glitchy so I barely saw anything. I pressed on the green circle and a familiar voice called out cussing at me.

"YA!! DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY TIMES I HAVE CALLED!" Angel screamed at my face, I sighed at her. As I was trying to explain to her what happened she screamed again, making me not understand any word she was spitting out of her mouth. I put the phone far away from my ear waiting for her to stop screaming and shook my head, then finally she stopped breathless.

"*sigh* How many times do I need to tell you, that the fucking keys are under the fucking mat?" I said calmly in small whispers, looking around to see if there was anyone around who heard me cussing.

"Oh- oh yea right.. I forgot" she said finally, then laughed at her stupidity.

Angel is my sister, well.. I consider her as my sister, she was with me since day one, and was my neighbor. Her family and mine are really close to each other, I was like my neighbors daughter and she was like my parents daughter. We both are almost alike in everything, and we always read each others minds which is funny. She is my confidant and my second half, like the moon and the sun, like yin and yang. Nothing could separate us apart.

"Typical" I said laughing, she always have that problem of remembering well, and now im used to her calling me every morning she goes out asking where the keys are at. We both said goodbyes to each other and hung up. I didn't tell her about what happened earlier so she doesn't get worried.

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