Lights off

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As he was laughing I heard a buzzing from somewhere and I looked at him. He held his phone out from the back pocket of his jeans, and while looking at it he smiled. I peeked a little on his phone and I saw the word bae~, no wonder his smile is very bright. He picked up the phone and with a very sweet voice he answered:

"Ah baby, how are you?" He continued on with a cheerful tone, I smiled a little trying not to show how I'm feeling, then looked down at the papers I was holding.

You might think I'm very jealous and hate Jiyoo (Marks gf) but I dont! I'm very happy for the both of them because they're very happy with each other, not only that they are really the perfect match. Both are very sweet, and both are very good looking and cute, they very much are like the perfect couples you can find in dramas, but those are in real life. Jiyoo is a very sweet girl, and I can never hate her for anything because she's very nice towards me, and she respects that Mark spends a lot of time with me and tells me everything. She never made a fuss about anything and doesn't get jealous when Mark and I tease each other in front of her, instead she laughs with us and starts joking around too.

"Oh Haewoon, I have to go sorry Jiyoo is waiting for me in the cafeteria!" He says as he placed all the papers back on my hands, then left running while smiling.

"O-oh ok.." I smiled a little bit and watched him as he pressed his finger on the elevator's button multiple times excited, then turned around and faced Mr. Jerks room sighing.

I walked over in front of his door, then lightly knocked on it, which was a crook opened. As I was knocking the door slowly opens up alone, and I shrug eh it helped me open the door. I walked inside the room, and it was pitch dark which scared me.

"Uuhh.. Mr. Park..? Are you in here??" I asked quietly, my voice stuttering.

Half way through the room everything was so dark, I could barely see what was in front of me from the little open circles from the curtains, then I suddenly heard the door shut making me scream. I dropped everything on the floor and quickly clutched down to my knees shivering, feeling hot tears running down my cheeks. I hugged my knees remembering some stuff.

"Ahjussi please don't do this to me!!!!" I screamed out my voice stuttering harder, trying to take in deep breath as I saw a dark figure appear in front of me. I started shambling backwards terrified, feeling the sourness of my throat like a sharp knife digging inside of my throat.

I squeezed my eyes shut and felt my body shiver quickly, my heartbeats going crazy.

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