The Room

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January 17, 2015

I opened my eyes and found my self in a rusty old shower, my body wet, clothes soaked in water, and the water still pouring on my head. I'm positioned the same way I was in Mr. Parks room, hugging my knees very close to me, and my back supported by the wall behind me. I then slowly got up, not knowing where I am or how I got there. I looked around slowly, but somehow this bathroom seemed very familiar to me. I stepped out of the shower, and the bathroom looks very old and disgusting, but then I noticed a mirror in front of me on the wall, but there was something different and odd about me. Then it hit me;

"Oh no no no, what am I doing here... h-how is this possible??!!" I said looking closer to the mirror.

It's the old me, the 14 years old me in an old apartment. The horrible days that I've lived through, I looked closer to my face and there were bruises all over it. I uncovered my hands and stomach, all of it is filled with big bruises. Some are fresh new, including the colors of purple, blue, and some are black. The others were old, in which some were yellowish brown and light brown. I shook my head vehemently pulling my hair back, how is this possible?? How am I back to my worst days??? Is this a dream??? Are the question that filled my head. I tried not making a sound, not even let out a breath of mine while walking slowly towards the door, trying to figure out if this decision I'm taking is the right one or if I should just stay and not make a sound. I opened the door slightly, my body feeling rigid, then only peeking an eye out I notice a lady's body laying down on the floor. Little drops of blood laying besides her, I gasped in fear hiding behind the door.

As I was panting behind the door I heard a loud thud making me jump slightly, and a loud deep holler followed making me get startled more. I covered my ears panicked not knowing what I should do or what I should avoid doing.

"Please make this stop.. please.." I whispered leaning against the wall next to me shaking, then squeezed my eyes shot feeling hot tears streaming down my cheeks.


"She's doing okay, based on what you said I'm guessing she went through a panic attack, and its normal for the body to respond like that so it can prevent the heart from stopping. She should be awake in a few minutes or so.." a voice said faintly above me.

"Thank you so much, Tae, sorry if I wasted your time I just didn't know what to do." A familiar voice said.

Wait a second, isn't that Mr. Jerks voice

I opened my eyes slowly and I saw mr jerk sitting down beside me chatting with Taehyung.

"Do you remember what she said before she blacked out..?" Taehyung asked grabbing a chair sitting down next to Jimin, who seemed to have a worried look printed on his face.

"I.. I don't know, she said something about an ahjussi.. but I couldn't understand the rest of what she was saying since she was screaming them out.. so I'm not very sure.." He said running his hand through his hair, and Taehyung patted his back.

"I see.. she'll be okay don't worry" He said nodding and faintly smiling at Mr. Park.

Aish, good job stupid, look what you did now.. and why is he gonna get worried anyways its not like he cares about me or anything.

I propped myself on my elbows, watching the both of them look at me realizing that I was awake this whole time. Mr. Jerk quickly stood up and fixed the pillow that was laying underneath me and carefully helped me sit down in a more comfortable position, while Taehyung had a warm smile on looking at me. Tho I felt a bit embarrassed and dizzy I managed to give both of them a crooked smile, my head felt so heavy like it was about to fall and roll off my neck right at that moment.

"Are you okay..?" Mr. Jerk asked concerned.

"Ye-yea I'm okay.. what happened?" I asked closing my eyes for a second at the sight of the room spinning.

"I think when I headed down to see what was going on with the lights you came inside my office, and on my way back I heard you calling me in the office and I walked up to you.. but you started freaking out, and passed out.." he said his eyes filled with worries, but also curiosity.

I nodded my head slowly not knowing what to say. Mr. Jerk then got up and got me a cup of water, I took it thanking him then I swallowed two sips hardly. The look in his eye was different, totally different, it's as if you saw him you'd think he has a twin brother that is nicer than him. This is the first time that I have seen this side of him, and I have been working here for about a month or so now, and I gotta tell you if he acted that way towards me since the beginning I would've fell head over heels for him.

"Well, since your awake now I have to go 'cause I have a patient waiting for me" Taehyung said getting up looking at the expensive looking watch on his hands.

"And also, you need to rest well and drink a lot of water. Make sure to clear up your mind, and take care of yourself well ok..?" Taehyung said smiling at me, and I was about to get up until Jimin placed his hands on my shoulders, making me sit back down before I even got up.

"Thank you so much, I owe you a lot" I said bowing to him, and he bowed back telling me that it was part of his job and I shouldn't be thanking him.

Taehyung hugged Mr. Jerk a goodbye and left the room waving at me and I waved back, then Mr. Jerk came back plopping down on the chair which I found cute for no reason at all. He looked at me, his eyes piercing through me making me nearly choke on my own spit.

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