Staring Contest

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I stared back at him, and both of us looked back at each other for 4 minutes straight like we were having some staring contest. I never looked away and I got to admit I'm good at staring contests, then he looked away coughing and rubbed the back of his head.

"I won" I said smiling at him.

"What?" He said looking at me confused, and I laughed at his cute face.

"I won, the staring contest I mean. You lost and I won, because you looked away" I said sticking out my tongue and he chuckled a bit.

It got quite a bit and I didn't know what to do, get up? Stay there? Say a dad joke or the cheesiest pick up lines? I don't know. He looked at me again and ran his hand through his hair fixing it, which I found for some reason hella hot and sexy.

"Haewoon, may I ask you a question?" He asked grabbing a mug of cappuccino placed on the table next to him.

"No." I said with a smiley face looking at him, then he gave me the 'Bruh what the fuck is wrong with you' look and I cleared my throat fake laughing, looking away a bit ruffling my hair and at the edge of my eye I can see him smiling.

"Sorry I was joking, go ahead" I said, looking at him while he placed his puffy lips on the mug slowly sipping the cappuccino.

"Who was that ahjussi you were calling before you blacked out?" He asked looking at me with an intense curious look.

My conscience told me to speak everything out and tell him what happened to me when I was younger, but my throat felt like it had a knot making it difficult to speak. It was like feeling that there was some kind of a dam preventing me to speak up about what happened and let those memories fall off. About a second later I saw him getting up, maybe he noticed I was uncomfortable of talking about it.

"I have to go to the meeting" He said as he went to his desk and held the papers that I dropped earlier.

"O-oh," I said as I shifted my self up more so I can get up and go with him but he stopped me.

"You need to rest, you heard what Dpr. Kim said" he said smiling, resting me back on the pillow.

"But daep-" he cut me off saying that I need to rest and he was ordering me to stay where I was.

I laid down back on the pillow 5 minutes after he left, then looked at the white ceiling above thinking about the stuff that happened earlier. I sat down later looking around his big office, then got up fixing my skirt down to cover my thighs that were hidden under the blanket. I looked around his room that I've never paid much attention to, probably because I always came in sick of life and gave him everything he needed and just headed out, hiss office was quite tidy and spacious. The first thing you see when walking inside the office is a big window, then on the further right was where his desk was located, in which it was facing the couches that were in front of it, the desk's color was black and had a stack of papers placed neatly on it, next to them was his mac which was placed in the middle of the desk and a lamp next to it. His chair was leather grey, and underneath the desk was a light grey carpet. In front of his desk was two black comfy chairs. About 6 inches in front of the desk was where the two black couches placed on each ends of the wall, a round glass table with black edges in between them, and a big TV screen attached to the wall in front of them which was accessible to watch from every corner.

"Aish.... why do I have to embarrass myself like this, like get your shit together Haewoon. oof I hate my life." I said whining.

Wait a second, I can do whatever I want since he's not in here... eheheheheeheh.

I smirked and skipped over to his chair and sat down on it, looking at his mac and touched that treasured expensive piece of art and it felt like.... just a regular computer. I looked around his desk and held the golden also expensive looking name plate that had Mr. Park curved on it, then placed it back to where it was.

"Hmmmmm this chair is so comfortable I wanna sleep here" I said running my hand through the desk where it met a white remote controller.

I pressed on buttons I don't know what they even do and a lot of stuff happened, the controller turned the light off and on, turned the condition on and off, turned the TV on and off, put down a secret screen in front of the TV and a projector lit up on the screen, and it even turned on some fancy music in the background which startled me, also it closed the curtains which was so fascinating and satisfying 'cause when they closed the light automatically turned on which can be dimmed however you like it. While pressing on all those buttons you can hear me woowing in the background and every single time something happens I go like woaaahhhh daebaaakkk!!! I pressed one last time on the last button which opened a door I didn't even see to begin with.

"w-woah.. yo what the fuck. How did I not see that." I said getting up putting back the remote controller and chair where it was.

I walked to the door which was next to where I was, which was next to the desk. I looked inside of it, and when I walked in, the room had a king sized bed in front of me which looked so comfy. I felt like I was being nosy but I couldn't help but go inside and see the room, there were two night stands placed on each end of the bed, the one on the right had a lamp and an alarm standing in front of it, and on the left one there were a stack of books on it and a picture frame. I came closer to the picture frame and saw a beautiful young lady and a handsome man hugging a small cute kid, which I assumed were his parents and him. The picture was so cute it made me smile, on the end of the room on the left had a big cabinet which had a stacks of medals and awards on them, and some other designs. I took a little glance at a book I think he was reading, and it said Beg for Mercy. Which later after the researches about it, figured it was an erotic thrilling book. This horny man.

"Does he sleep here..?" I was wondering if he did because of this room, because why the hell would anyone have a secret room in their office.

I walked out of the room and the door closed behind me, kind of startling me. I went back to the couch and held the soft fabric blanket and folded it neatly placing it on the couch. Mr. Park still hasn't came back and I wanted to make him something to at least show I'm thankful to what he did, I went out of his office and went to my seat to sit down until a young guy came rushing.

"Can I help you si-" I smiled until the guy reached Mr. Parks office door swinging it open.

"JIIIIIMMMMIIIIIIIINNNN" the guy shouted in his office, sounding excited more than mad which kind of relieved me. I quickly got up and went to him.

"Sir can you please come back here this is Mr. Par-" I was saying and he cut me off until he placed his hands on my shoulder which made me jump.

Wtf is wrong with this guy...

"Wheres Jimin?????" He asked extremely hyper and I was about to slap him but I breathed in.

"sir please calm down, I don't know who Jimin is but you are walking in the wrong room sir" I said taking his hands off my shoulders and he looked at me puzzled.

"aaaaahhhh right... Jimin is "Mr. Park" " he said bring his two hands up and bowing his two fingers.

"ooh.. Mr. Park is in the meeting room- wait why do you ask and who are you..?" I asked looking at him.

"THAAANKKKSS" he said running off, totally ignoring my questions.

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