Session 13

916 83 13

Patient: Alexander William Gaskarth

Notes: seems to be trying to forget, a new emotion in his voice; unknown

-Dr. Bassam Barakat


"Morning." I awoke to see Jack lying next to me, staring at me intently with a small smile on his lips.

"Morning." I rubbed my eyes and stretched, arching my back and emitting a small dinosaur roar from the back of my throat. "What time is it?"

"Almost noon," Jack replied. I glanced at the rest of him. He was wearing a fresh pair of jeans and a clean t-shirt. His breath smelled faintly of mint, so I assumed that he has woken up a while ago.

"Wow, okay, I'm gonna go get ready then." I tumbled out of Jack's bed and rolled into his bathroom, where I had placed my toiletries the day before. After I was squeaky clean, I allowed myself back into Jack's room. Jack was sitting on his bed, picking away at his guitar. I could feel the awkward tension between us. Were we now together? Did that night mean anything?

Another question popped up in my brain.

Am I gay?

Without a doubt, I knew I was at least bisexual. My attraction for Jack was anything but straight, and I didn't know if I even liked girls. Maybe I did, but I hadn't before.

Thankfully, Jack made the next move, as he did the first one. He glanced up from his guitar.

"Wait, Alex, come 'ere," he said, waving me over. I warily did was I was told, and I kept on getting closer until our knees were touching.

"Your... breath smells funny, wait come closer." I confusedly obliged to Jack's request and leaned in. Before I knew it, he had wrapped his arms around my neck and our lips were touching. The only thing separating us was his guitar. I processed what was going on and kissed him back. We pulled away, me slightly breathless.

"Did it really?" I asked.

"Nah, your breath was minty fresh," Jack replied cheekily. "But real talk though, you're a pretty good kisser, Alex."

"Well..." I began, crossing my arms. "I kiss well when I like the person I'm kissing."

"You like me?" Jack's doe eyes widened even more, and my insides warmed. I chuckled on the inside. Was it not obvious?

"Yeah, what did you think?"

Jack shrugged. "It's just a surprise that you like me back."

"Oh, so I guess the feeling is mutual," I remarked, sitting down on the bed next to him. He set down his guitar and turned his attention to me.

"Alex-" Jack started to say, but I cut him off.

"No, since you made the first two moves, I'm gonna do this one," I stated firmly. "Jack, will you be my boyfriend?"

"Ye-Yeah!" Jack's voice cracked, and we both laughed.

"Good," I murmured, genuinely elated. "I was hoping you'd say that."

We remained there, cuddling, for a long couple of seconds, maybe minutes, maybe eternities. I sat, idly twirling my hair with one hand, and my other arm was around Jack's shoulder. Jack was snuggled into the crook of my arm when a thought occurred to me.

"Hey, Jack," I said, breaking the peaceful silence, "your dad said that you had trouble making friends at school... what happened?"

"Oh, I'm being bullied and shunned for being gay," Jack replied nonchalantly, turning his giant doe eyes to me. "I have no idea what they're talking about."



GUYSSSSS. THANK YOU. Literally every time I post a chapter, when I come back to the app a while later, you guys have already voted and commented and I'm like •~• and ifkgjs thanks !!!!!! I don't really respond to comments cause they make me nervous (is comment anxiety a thing?) (and I'm even awkwarder on the Internet someone halp) but when I DO get to read them, they make me like OH MY GLOB YOU GUISE. I like getting yo feedback about mon histoire. So yeah. THANK YOU for being so supportive and nice and mckvosjxkoao.


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