Session 22

908 64 48

Patient: Alexander William Gaskarth

Notes: turned 16 today

-Dr. Bassam Barakat


"Happy birthday, babe!" Jack flung himself onto me. I wasn't ready for his body weight, so as soon as he hit me, we both fell backwards into my bed. Jack laughed and peeled himself off of me and repositioned himself on my body, straddling me. He leaned over and started to kiss me, and I slung my arms around his neck.

"Did you get your driver's license today?" Jack peeped between our kisses. I grinned, pushing him off of me so I could sit up, and grabbed a sleek card from my wallet.

"TADA!" I presented him my brand new driver's license. I was quite proud, and I didn't even look bad in my picture.

"Aw, Lexy, you can drive me places and we can fuck in your car," Jack swooned, kissing me on the cheek. I laughed and put the license away.

"Oh yes," I said, nodding. "Anyways, sup?"

"Okay, well since it's your 16th birthday, I got you something big..." Jack trailed off, bobbing in excitement.

My mouth dropped open. "You didn't have to!"

"But... I... did!" Jack giggled between bounces on my bed. He dug inside his jeans pocket and pulled out two slips of paper. He looked them over and then thrust them at me, beaming.

I gingerly took the two papers and looked at them. My breath hitched. My eyes met Jack's, and his smile got even wider.

"YOU GOT ME CONCERT TICKETS TO NEWFOUND GLORY?!" I shrieked. Jack nodded enthusiastically, and I kissed him in all the excitement.

"I knew you'd love it!" Jack yelped, bouncing up and down. "It's tonight at seven! Joe's friend knows them."

"Eeeeeeeeeeee!" I squealed, clapping my hands in glee. Jack gave me a funny look and cocked his head. "What?"

"Did you just squeal?"

"I'm gay," I deadpanned. "Sometimes my stereotypical flamboyant moments get the best of me."

Jack laughed and threw his arms around me, engulfing me in a bear hug. A bearakat hug. Badumtss. Oh, why did Jack like me again?

"You're perfect and I love you," he sighed. I giggled lightly, lost in my love for him, and kissed his hair. It was soft and smelt of shampoo. I buried my face in his shoulder and inhaled.

"Are you smelling me?" he asked, chuckling. I nodded, my face still snuggled in his shoulder.

"I love everything about you," I confessed, my voice muffled my his shirt. "As creepy as it sounds, I want every part of you memorized."

"Aw, Alexy, you really are so romantic," Jack commented. I felt him smile, as his chin was resting on my head. "Mysterious, sexy, funny, and a little sweet. I love it."

"You're such a girl," I remarked, peeling myself off of my boyfriend. He raised a thick eyebrow.

"Right, because telling me that you love everything about me and that you want to memorize me is totally manly," he retorted playfully. "Might I mention how girly your squeal is?"

"Maybe we're lesbians," I murmured, pecking Jack's rosy pink lips. "That would explain a lot."

"Hm, you'd be a hot girl, Lex." Jack checked his watch. "Baaaaabe, it's already two. We should get ready now so we can get to the front of the line."

"Oh, and you can finally see my driving skills!" I exclaimed, grinning. "Hopefully we won't die."

"Ooh, I'd die happy," Jack said. "Drive me to Condom Sense sometime, will ya?"

"Absolutely." I opened my closet doors and presented my cluttered closet to Jack. "LET US FIND CLOTHES TO WEAR, JACKO."

It took us about 30 minutes to find outfits and change. Well, it really took 20, but we spent some time by having a little make out session in our underwear. Hehe. But in the end, we had chosen our outfits. I wore my American flag skinny jeans, a dark gray arrow tank top, my gray beanie, and my black Converse. Jack chose a blue t-shirt with black headphones printed on it, black skinny jeans, and his own black Converse. We did a fringe check before leaving, and we were soon sat in my car, a black Camry.

The venue was only starting to get a crowd when we arrived, so we were relatively close to the front of the line. For the remaining hours, Jack and I talked to the people around us, making temporary friends. Security started letting us in the venue, and the concert finally started.

They began the concert with Understatement, and by the time they were playing Resurrection, my voice was almost gone.

"Criticized my mistakes

while you dug your own grave.

Singing songs about our friends,

you never cared about them," I sang hoarsely. Jack bounced along, screaming out the lyrics as well. My throat felt like it was being slowly scraped off, but I didn't care because this was the highlight of my life.

When the concert had ended, my speaking voice was crackling and wispy; my singing voice nonexistent. Jack was fine though, but that was due to the fact that he went to concerts more than I did and he was just a loud person. He chattered loudly as I drove us home, and I told him that I wouldn't speak because my voice was too far gone.

"Alexalexalex that was amazing I've never heard you sing so enthusiastically before," Jack chirped as downtown Baltimore raced by. "Well, actually, the only time I've heard you legit 'sing' was that one time in Joe's car. So I guess this was a first. Either way, I love your voice. You're such a good singer. And I saw you smile the hardest I've ever seen you smile. It's beautiful. Aaaaaaaaalex you're so cute and I love you!"

"I love you too," I managed to choke out, although it came out crackled and dry.

Jack beamed widely, his smile spreading from ear to ear. "I thought you weren't gonna speak?"

"For you, I'd make an exception," I murmured. Jack made a happy noise and leaned his head against the window.

We arrived at my humble suburban abode at around 10:30, and my parents weren't home, based off of the empty garage. Jack and I closed the car doors behind us and ventured into my house. They had left some lights on in the entrance, but otherwise we flipped on the switches as we went upstairs. I took Jack's hand and led him into my bedroom.

"Th-Thank you for getting me concert tickets," I rasped, kissing him.

"Thank you for being born," Jack returned. I felt warm and fuzzy on the inside. That was so romantic.

"I feel like I can never repay you for those tickets, though," I mumbled, my arms still around his neck from the kiss. I pulled him closer to me and rested my head on his shoulder. He was so warm and comfortable, and I wanted to stay with him forever.

"You don't need to repay me, Alex," Jack insisted. "I did it because I love you."

A lightbulb switched on in my head.

"Oh, I'm paying you back," I whispered in his ear, lifting my head. My lips crashed onto his, and I walked is backwards whilst kissing, and we collapsed onto the mattress when the back of Jack's calves hit the bed. I moved my tongue rhythmically, and I started to unzip Jack's pants.

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