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"y/n, come on. Wake up you lazy piece of shit" Marie, my sister, said as she jumped on me. We had a good bond. We were best friends. Ever since we were little we have done pretty much everything together.

"Aggghh get off me, you're so heavy" I replied as I pushed her off the bed. We both broke out into a fit of laughter.

"Seriously you have to get up we leave in an hour" she said as she walked out of my room. Today was the day we leave for our trip to the family cabin. I always get dragged along to these things. Don't get me wrong I love the crew and all but I don't share the same bond with them as I am not on the show and don't spend a lot of my time with them.

I get up and stretch my stiff muscles, I walk into the bathroom and have a shower. I change into a plain black tank top with my high wasted denim shorts with my black converse. I grab my already packed bag and head downstairs.

"We have to pick up Eliza and Lindsey on the way so put your things in the car and lets go" Marie said as she walked out the door. I grabbed the last things walked out and locked the door. I hopped into the car and drove off to pick up the others.


We picked up both Lindsey and Eliza and headed to the meet up point where we would meet the others before we started on the trip.

We arrived at a waffle house and went inside. We sat down and waited for the others to arrive.

I thought that it would just be the normal crew coming, consisting of Marie, Lindsey, Eliza, Bob, Rickey and Richard. But when the four of us heard the bell signalling someone entered, my jaw dropped. A gorgeous about 5′ 5″ woman walked in. She was wearing a flowing short-sleeved play suit with ballet flats on and had her hair up in a messy bun. Traveling behind her was the boys.

She was drop dead gorgeous. This trip just got a whole lot more interesting.

"y/n it is rude to stare you know" Marie whispered in my ear and I lightly slapped her and went back to eating my waffles trying to calm my thoughts.

"Alycia, it's so good to see you" I heard Eliza half scream

"Gosh, it's good to see you too Eliza" Alycia said giggling

Alycia made her rounds and greeted everyone. Then she stopped and looked at me, I looked up and met her gaze. We seemed to be starring at each other for what seemed like hours, until Marie cleared her throat that snapped us both back to reality.

"I am y/n Avgeropoulos, Marie's younger sister" I said as I stood up and put out my hand to shake

"It is nice to finally meet you, I have heard many stories about you" she replied taking my hand and shaking it. I could not deny the shock of electricity that flowed through me at her touch and I wondered if she felt it too.

"All good things I hope" I said with a small smile and sat down again.

To say I was distracted the rest of the time we ate breakfast would be an understatement. I was completely entranced by the green eyed beauty that sat in front of me occasionally giggling at the jokes made around he table. This trip is defiantly going to be one to remember.

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